A person on a bed

Can I pull off a dress?

January 19, 2017

With Piglet’s christening in a little over a month, I have started to think about what I’m going to wear. My wardrobe consists of jeans, treggings and a selection of stripy tops. Not exactly ideal for wearing to an occasion like a christening (especially when I need to be in the photos).

I’ve been looking for a new top to pair with a nice pair of trousers I couldn’t see anything that caught my eye. Whilst looking I drifted over to the dress section and pondered ‘can I pull off a dress?‘. It has been so long since I last wore a dress that I’m worried that I’ll just look ridiculous. I don’t want to look back at the photos and think ‘what was I wearing?‘.

Floral Dresses

I have found a couple of floral dresses that I like. Which if I paired with a smart jacket and thick tights I think would look OK and suitable for wearing to a christening. However, I can’t decide on which dress I like the best…

A person on a bed

Which is best?

Each of the four dresses has elements that I like but just not sure which one is me. The first dress offers the navy blue flowers which would tie-in with Mr. Boo and Tigger’s navy shirts. Although I’m sure how practical white would be when carrying a one-year-old around for most of the day. 

The second dress is fun and colourful, however, the mesh top makes me think that it looks more like a going out dress rather than a formal occasion. Whilst dress three is what I would class as a typical me choice, it is mainly black with a scattering of white behind the floral design. I just worry that it is a little boring, reserved and will make me look and feel a little frumpy.

The final dress is cute, and it was the hem that caught my eye as I was looking, I like the dipped hem finished with the mesh to add a little contrast. However, I’m not keen on the dropped shoulder straps even though it would be hidden behind a jacket.

I’m not just not sure…

Which dress do you like the best?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post, however, I really value your opinion on which dress you think would suit me for Piglet’s christening.

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