Proposing In Style (In More Ways Than One)

June 9, 2021

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When proposing to your girlfriend, you need to make sure that you make her an offer she simply cannot refuse. You need to plan the perfect proposal and ensure that you buy her a sparkly engagement ring that she will proudly show off for the rest of her life. After all, women love to tell their friends about the amazing proposal her fiancé planned and the beautiful diamond ring he presented along with it, and so you need to make sure that you do not disappoint.

The perfect proposal…

First and foremost, when deciding on how you will propose to your girlfriend, you need to think of something innovative that she will not expect. It is not about being the most flash or extravagant, it is about finding something which will be special to your girlfriend specifically. There are lots of different choices you can decide between. If your girlfriend reads a certain newspaper or magazine, then pay for a full-page advertisement. She’ll never expect for her proposal to be inside. 

Proposing In Style (In More Ways Than One)

Another great way is to propose whilst in the sky; if you are going on holiday anytime soon then get the flight attendant on the plane to let you utilise the speaker system in order to propose. You can even borrow your girlfriend’s camera and take a picture of you holding signs; one with ‘will’, the second with ‘you’, the third with ‘marry’ and the fourth with ‘me?’ and then ask her to upload the pictures to the computer for you because you are unsure of how to work it. The possibilities are endless, so make sure you pick one and think of how it is likely to make your girlfriend react.

The perfect engagement ring…

Selecting the perfect engagement ring is even more important than the proposal because your girlfriend will be wearing the ring on her left hand for the rest of her life and thus you need to ensure that you pick something which will constantly make her smile. There are several points that you need to consider when buying engagement bands. 

First and foremost, you should define a budget in order to ensure you are shopping within your range. You should also look into sustainable diamond rings. Once you have done this you should then determine the shape of the diamond. There are lots of different choices at your disposal. The princess cut is one that is extremely popular; it is modern and has a striking edge to it. Another style that is desirable is a baguette diamond; this is one that are thin and rectangular. Furthermore, there are lots of other fantastic choices at your disposal, such as; emerald, heart, pear, oval, marquise, radiant, and round. 

Proposing In Style (In More Ways Than One)

Moreover, you need to ensure that the diamond has a beautiful glisten in the light and that it is not heavily included. When shopping for engagement bands your best option is to go for a bespoke jeweller. By doing this you will ensure that you find something specifically suited to your girlfriend. 

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