How to Prevent and Remove Bed Bugs

How to Prevent and Remove Bed Bugs

September 2, 2024


No one wants to discover that they have bed bugs in their homes. Alas, with cases on the rise, that’s just what more and more homeowners are having to deal with. While there are no health risks associated with bed bugs, knowing that they’re in your home can cause high levels of stress and anxiety. It’s just not nice going to bed knowing that, at some point in the night, bugs might crawl onto your body and use you as a source of food.

People tend to talk about bed bugs as if we humans are defenceless against them, but that’s not the case. In this post, we’ll run some effective prevention tips and what to do if you discover a bed bug infestation in your property.

Be Mindful of When You Travel

Bed bugs are unlikely to just wander into your home. Unless you live in a block of flats, and there’s an infestation in a neighbouring flat, the most common way that you’ll get them in your home is if you bring them in from somewhere else. 

Most people pick up bed bugs when they’re travelling. If you’re staying in a hotel, book places that have high cleanliness standards. You can also inspect the edges of the bed for any signs that bed bugs may be present. If you want to take extra precautions, leave your suitcases and clothes away from the bed; even if there are bed bugs in the room, they probably won’t hitchhike home with you if your luggage is elsewhere in the room.

Also be mindful of any second-hand goods that you bring into your home, especially furniture. That’s the second most common way that people get bed bugs. 

How to Prevent and Remove Bed Bugs

Understand the Signs

The problem with bed bugs is that they’re small and hide well. You could have an infestation for months without seeing a single bug. Happily, there are other signs that you can look for. The most obvious one is bed bug bites, but keep in mind that only 40% of people have a reaction to bites, so don’t think you’re in the clear just because you’re not itching anywhere. 

Most people realise they have a bed bug problem when they notice small blood stains on their bedding. If you see small blood marks, and there’s no obvious reason why they’re there, then you may have bed bugs. 

Take Action Promptly

Suspect that you have bed bugs in your property? Then it’s time to call an exterminator. Since bed bugs are difficult to get rid of, you’ll absolutely need to call a professional to remove the problem. They’ll have industrial-strength supplies that get rid of them once and for all. 

How to Prevent and Remove Bed Bugs

Don’t Pass Them On!

People tend to throw away all items that might be housing a bed bug, but you don’t need to. You can usually keep all of your items with treatment. In any case, if you do decide to throw away items, make sure no one else can bring them into their home — otherwise you’ll just be giving them the problem too.

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