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Preparing for swimming lessons with Swimshop

May 20, 2015

When Roo was younger we paid for her to have swimming lessons run by a local academy. Unfortunately due to the number of times the sessions were cancelled at short notice and the awkward time of the lessons we had to give them up. We’re quite lucky in that Roo loves the water and feels confident with either Mr Boo or myself holding on to her in the pool, however she is unable to swim independently.

Luckily her school offer a terms free-swimming lessons for each year group at the local high school. Having not taken Roo swimming since last summer (Tigger hates the water so it’s impossible to take him) she was in need of a new swimsuit, swim cap etc.

Swimshop recently got in touch to see whether I’d like to select a few items from their site to help get Roo ready for her school swimming lessons. With a swimming costume high priority I set Roo up in front of the computer and asked her to look for ones that she liked. I think my bargain hunting has rubbed off on her as the two costumes that she narrowed it down to were both under £5.00! In the end she opted for the one with a pink trim (obviously) and she’d managed to find a matching pink swimming cap. As her school insist that all children wear swimming caps I add it to the basket and continued to look on the site to see what else we could find.

Whilst looking at the accessories we came across some swim bags and decided to spend a little extra getting a slightly bigger bag that could be used for her PE kit if she wanted (plus I thought it would be great to take down to the beach in the summer).

With free delivery when you spend over £25 and the best it is that the delivery is within a couple of days. In fact I ordered over the bank holiday weekend and it was delivered on the Tuesday – you can’t beat service like that!

Does your child’s school offer swimming lessons?


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Disclosure: This was provided by Swimshop, a leading swimming costume retailer in the UK

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