Pledging my support for Tefal #FreshWeek – 13-19 May

May 9, 2013

I have a confession, please don’t judge me…

I… cook… processed foods!

Whilst I don’t cook ready meals I do cheat when cooking using pre-grated cheese, tinned veg, packed ham etc. They say a problem shared is a problem halved, so I’m hoping that you’ll all forgive me for my little confession.

As a Tefal Innovation Panelist our first challenge is to pledge our support to Fresh Week. I won’t lie to you all and say I was excited about the challenge. In fact when I first heard about the challenge I was so worried about the time it was going to take me to prepare meals from scratch, my lack of cooking know how and how to steer my family away from our ‘normal’ meals.

So with the help of my fellow Tefal Innovation Panelists I am pledging to to ditch convenience and ready-made meals for a week, in favour of fresh, unprocessed food. I’d love for you all to pledge along too, it doesn’t cost you anything just a few minutes of your time. 

With the help of the Tefal Fresh Express Max I’m hoping to learn new recipes, confidence and most importantly that it doesn’t take too much time to cook from scratch. Thankfully Tefal are going to help me along the way by sharing recipes and ideas on the Tefal Facebook page and via Twitter.

Why pledge to #FreshWeek?

Take the Fresh Week Pledge and enter for a chance to win a Tefal Fresh Express and Riverford vegbox & fruit to help you and your family through the week

Please pop back over the next week to see how my pledge is coming along. I will be joining in with Meal Planning Monday next week to help me plan and prepare for meals rather than grabbing the first thing from the cupboard/freezer. I will also be reviewing the Tefal Fresh Express Max, one of Tefal’s lastest products that aims to cut preparation time by more than half.

The Tefal Innovation Panelists

Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: I am a member of the Tefal Innovation Panel, I have received the Tefal Fresh Express MaxFOC for the purpose of review.

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