I’m late joining in with this week’s The Theme Game, a mixture of feeling under the weather and Team Honk Relay duties (which you can still sponsor the Great Yarmouth team here… Shameless plug) has made this week run away from me.
So back to this week’s prompt… Play
I have been pondering on how I could best incorporate this theme. Should I tell you about how wonderful it is that Roo and Tigger play together so nicely (most of the time)? Should I tell you that it takes less muscles to smile than a frown so playing will save your muscles?
In the end I was searching online for quotes and came across this fabulous quote from Mother Teresa…
Whilst it applies to life and the things that happen I loved one particular line in it…
Life is a game, play it
That one line can mean so many different things, the cat and mouse game that we all play in life is part and parcel of life so get on with it. Instead of thinking that life is just a seamless end of days that we must get through before we die, why not think of each new day as a game and see how well you can play it.
What does playing mean to you?
Please pop along to see how everyone else has interpreted this week’s theme…

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