A woman standing next to a body of water

Passports at the ready… Now where to go on holiday?

March 24, 2017

This year we finally managed to get passports for all the family. This enabled us to enjoy a recent trip to Disneyland Paris which was simply amazing. Now that we are home and the passports are sitting on the side of my desk I keep looking at them and wondering how lovely it would be to head off on another family adventure.

Having never really travelled much before having the children we are at an advantage point that the world is our oyster. However, it also puts us at a disadvantage too as we’re not really sure where would be best for a young family.

Majorca, Spain

A woman standing next to a body of water

For our honeymoon, Mr. Boo and I spent two weeks in Majorca and it was beautiful. We stayed on the edge of Magulaf and Palma Nova so we were able to enjoy both the nightlife and the quiet days on the beach too. We spent our days exploring the island, visiting the water parks and attending the famous Pirates show too.

With a relaxed family feel to the island it would be lovely to take the children back to where we have such happy memories. Renting a villa in Majorca would probably work out better for us a family rather than the hustle and bustle of a hotel especially if Piglet is napping etc.


A castle with a clock at the top of a building

Having just visited Disneyland Paris we are now itching to see what Disneyland Orlando has to offer. With so many of our friends who have been before they have all recommended that we rent a villa in Orlando as a base for our adventures. Whether it’s relaxing by the pool, heading off to one of the theme parks or just exploring what Florida has to offer. Although I’d be quite happy to spend all my time at the Harry Potter World.

New York

A view of a city

I have a huge love affair with New York. I’m desperate to have my very own Home Alone moment in front of the Rockefeller Center, skate in Central Park and shop in Macy’s and Bloomingdales. Although I think the first time that I get to visit the big apple I’d like it to just be Mr. Boo and I. Sorry kiddies but I want to experience the sights, the sounds and the Cake Boss’s cakes first hand before I have to share my attention. Although with the children in tow, it might be easier to rent an apartment in New York rather than a hotel room as we’d have more space available and would feel more rested after long days pounding the streets. 

Where are you heading off to on holiday this year?

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