A woman posing for a picture

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

March 8, 2014

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

80% of women cannot name the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Through lack of awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer it can take a long time for a woman to be diagnosed with the disease. A greater level of awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer is key to earlier diagnosis and improving survival rates.

Women diagnosed in the early stages have a 90% chance of surviving for more than five years but this reduces to 22% when diagnosed in the later stages.

Watch out for these signs:

  • Persistent stomach pain
  • Persistent bloating
  • Finding it difficult to eat or feeling full quickly
  • Needing to wee more often

If you’re regularly experiencing these symptoms on most days it is important to talk to your GP as soon as possible.

For further information – http://ovarian.org.uk/about-ovarian-cancer

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