Numb {Word of the Week}

June 13, 2014

This week has been an emotional week for me. I found out some really shocking news as I went into workon Monday morning and it has been in my thoughts ever since.

It has left me unable to concentrate, unable to sleep properly, unable to function with my day-to-day life.

This week a lovely lady lost the love of her life, the man who has stood by her side for as long as she can remember, three beautiful girls have lost their dad and life as they know it will never be the same again.

Tragedy happens all around us every day, you hear about it on the news, we read about in the newspaper and we listen to friends talk about their tragedies. The blogging community has also felt it’s fair share of tragedies over the past three years that I have been blogging. It is however when you know just what that person meant to someone, when you what plans they had yet to come, and when you know just how someone you know’s life will never be the same again that you really feel the effects.

As strange as it sounds it has been comforting to go into work, to talk to my colleagues and be that shoulder to cry on (although I’ve cried on more shoulders than those who have cried on mine). Mr Boo has of course been there for me, like the husbands and partners of my colleagues however I don’t think that he ‘gets’ why I am upset about someone who was not a relative, not necessarily a close friend but ‘just the husband’ of someone I work with. I love Mr Boo dearly but I don’t think he understands how I can place myself in that situation, how I empathise with my friend for her lose, how we all are lost for words, how we are all left feeling numb by the tragedy.

It is with a heavy heart that my word of the week is… Numb

Numb {Word of the Week}

Linking up with…

{Word of the week}

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