Notice of redundancy

July 11, 2016

After a public consultation

After the closure of a community hospital 

After a long drawn out wait

The letter I’d been waiting for but wasn’t sure if it was going to happen, finally arrived

Notice of redundancy

I’m now officially on my notice period counting down to finishing work, to being made redundant

I’m being made redundant

My job role is non-existent and the Trust has been unable to find me a suitable alternative role within the organisation. So there is no other option than for me to receive redundancy. In some ways I am pleased about this, the prospect of joining another team that I might not have chosen for myself worried me more than the one of staying at home and figuring out a life without a job.

I have the option to leave before my notice period ends and receive payment in lieu which is something I might consider as there is no point dragging things out if it’s not necessary. There is a question about what will happen to my Stationery Maternity Pay which runs until mid-August so I’m waiting to hear back from my HR department.

For now, I just have to come to terms with the fact that I am being made redundant and that I need to start thinking about what my future options are.

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