This morning as I was changing Tigger I noticed something on his stomach, oh please no… he has got chicken pox! I knew it was a possibility as Roo had it recently but as nothing had come up this week I stupidly thought I was in the clear.
This week has so much going on and now I don’t know what I am going to. So much to the point that I broke down in tears this morning in the kitchen. What on earth have I done to deserve such a horrendous month?
Trying to rearrange plans already made:
Sunday – MIL was making us lasagne and garlic bread for lunch and Roo has been looking forward to this since Tues. My SIL has a 7 week old baby who hasn’t had any jabs yet, so we can’t really let Tigger near him.
Fix: Send Mr Boo and Roo along to enjoy lunch whilst I stay home with Tigger.
Monday – Work, always hectic on a Monday.
Fix: As Tigger only has a few spots I’m hoping to wing it with the Nursery and send him in (naughty I know but needs must). If (and when) they call me I’ll leave work early, collect Tigger and return to work in the evening to make up the time I missed. I popped in early this morning and left a note for my managers explaining the situation and asking them to call me if any problems. They haven’t called so they must have agreed.
Tuesday – Roo’s story cafe at school.
Fix: well there isn’t one, I’ll just have to explain that she couldn’t go to school when she had chicken pox which means I can’t bring Tigger to story cafe (and as I have nobody else to have him I hope she understands).
Wednesday – Work.
Fix: Hopefully taken emergency annual leave (which I’ve had to claw back from my week off in March). Mr Boo has a big launch today so can’t take the day off.
Thursday – Nanny’s funeral, we didn’t have anyone to look after Tigger anyway so the plan was to take him as it is only a church service plus its at his usual naptime so I was hoping he would sleep through it.
Fix: I’m not sure, I really don’t want to miss this for my husband and because I loved her like she was my own Nanny. Assuming Tigger isn’t too bad I might get away with sitting at the back of the church away from the baby and then slipping out before everyone else.
Friday – Roo’s school assembly, luckily I had taken annual leave for today ages ago but if the chicken poxs haven’t scabbed then I can’t take Tigger with me.
Fix: Hope that Mr Boo can go into work late so that one of us can attend the assembly as Roo will be devastated if nobody is there.
Why is when you have a really busy week everything starts to go wrong?