A little dog looking at the camera

My Fairy Garden | Woodland Fairy Door

March 19, 2016

My children call their Nanny, Magic Nanny as they believe that she has had magic dust sprinkled on her by the fairies. This is something that they have believed since they were very small and to be honest, I think it is rather cute. At the bottom of Magic Nanny’s garden is a fairy garden were the cheeky fairies like to move about and hide so each time the children go round they are in different places to where they were last time they visited.

My Fairy Garden | Woodland Fairy Door

A little dog looking at the camera

One of the things within Magic Nanny’s fairy garden, propped against the tree is a Woodland Fairy Door. Now this is a magic door between our world and the magical world of the fairies. Sometimes when the children go round and visit the fairies they find that the magical fairies have left them a treat by their woodland fairy door.

You too can create your very own fairy garden, maybe you have the perfect spot in the garden to add a woodland fairy door to a tree or fence post. Or maybe you’d like to create an indoor fairy garden where your fairies can be kept warm and cozy, with a door attached to the skirting board.

The Woodland Fairy Door is the perfect addition to any fairy garden and is priced at just £9.99, available from Interplay UK and other good toy retailers. Will your fairy door bring treats for your little ones to reward them for completing their chores, doing well at school or passing their swimming exam – the possibilities are endless.


A dog looking at the camera

To help you create the perfect fairy garden within your home or garden, Interplay UK have kindly offered one lucky Boo Roo and Tigger Too reader the chance to win their very own Woodland Fairy Door set.

To enter simply complete the Rafflecopter widget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a featured giveaway

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