A little boy sitting in a bedroom

My Dream Pet with Petplan

We are often asked whether or not we have any pets. My standard response to this is ‘I have three children, why would I need a pet too!’. I say this with a smirk on my face and giggling tone. But the truth is that we are the type of family that likes to hop in the car and head off on an adventure for the day. It’s unfair for any type of pet to be just left whilst we go out and have fun.

The children do, of course, ask every now and again whether we can get a pet. We’ve had fish in the past so it’s not like we haven’t had ANY pets but I know that they’d like something more substantial than fish.

Just before the summer holidays, Petplan emailed me to see whether one of the children would like the opportunity to create their very own ‘My Dream Pet’. As Tigger is probably the one who asks most often for a pet I put him forward for the challenge.

#MyDreamPet – Why choose any old pet?

Now anyone can own a cat or a dog, maybe even a hamster or guinea pig. However, there is only one child in the UK who owns a Rainbow Cloud Bellied Dinosaur as a pet.

Plucked from the inner workings of Tigger’s imagination, the multi coloured dinosaur that is able to fly was drawn carefully one afternoon. Handing me his design with great care I sent it off to Petplan who were going to work some magic, pull a few strings and see whether the Rainbow Cloud Bellied Dinosaur could become a reality.

#MyDreamPet – A Rainbow Cloud Bellied Dinosaur

A close up of a toy stuffed animal on a bed

Whilst Tigger was away spending time with his Granny this summer a very special package arrived from Petplan. Carefully packaged was a Rainbow Cloud Bellied Dinosaur – an exact copy of Tigger’s beautiful design. I placed it on his bed to await his return home.

Well, you can imagine his reaction as he headed up to his room to familiarise himself with all the toys and books he’d missed over the past two weeks. He immediately spotted his ‘My Dream Pet’ on the bed and was thrilled to see that all his little details were included.

A little boy sitting in a bedroom

His usual bedtime friends have all had to move over and make space for an additional member. Thankfully a Rainbow Cloud Bellied Dinosaur is a friendly pet so they all get along well sharing a bed.


Since Petplan’s inception in 1976, their priority has been to keep the nation’s pets healthy and their owners happy. By offering the very best pet insurance from Petplan and great customer service, they have helped millions of owners get their beloved pets back on their feet following illness and injury.

What ‘My Dream Pet’ would your children come up with? Do share their designs on Instagram with the hashtag #MyDreamPet

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