Music is food for the soul

April 12, 2014

For me music has the ability to brighten up a day, it can transport me back to when I first heard it or allow me to remember precious memories associated with that song.

There are certain songs that provoke emotional reactions. It may be a smile, a little giggle or even a tear or two.

Music is food for the soul


I met my oldest friend T went we were just 14 years old at a cadet camp. With T coming from Manchester and myself from Carlisle it was the beginning of a fabulous pen pal friendship. Whilst we don’t keep in touch as often as we once did, we always know that we are there for each other when needed. There was a song that was out at the time of us first meeting, Don’t Let Go by En Vogue and whenever that song pops on to the radio I stop and smile, reminisce of days long ago when we were just two young girls with just worries of which boy we were going to kiss at the disco.


There are two songs that are very special to Mr Boo and I. The first is Against All Odds by Phil Collins, this was the song Mr Boo and I had our first dance to at our wedding. It pretty much sums up our love, like most couples we have had our issues but against all odds we are still together.

The second is Save the Last Dance by Michael Buble (although I do love and remember The Drifters version from my childhood). Between working in different towns, two children and not really being able to go out and spend quality time together, we are apart more than we are together but I know that no matter what happens Mr Boo is there for me and I would always save the last dance for him.


Both Roo and Tigger like songs that will get them up and dancing. Tigger is a huge fan of the Choco Latte song which he fell in love with during our Butlins holiday last year, if this pops up on the iPod or I get the video up on YouTube he just goes wild.

Roo on the other hand is happy to sing and dance along to Choco Latte but for her she has become a One Direction fan, bopping away to What Makes You Beautiful

Watching my children bop away to their favourite song is heart warming and incredibly funny. I can’t help but smile at them as they take the ‘dance like nobody’s watching you’ philosophy to a whole new level.


There are lots of songs that can bring a tear to my eye, whether there is a reason for it or it just provokes an emotional response in me. Movie songs really do seem to pull on my heart strings and for that reason Beaches with Bette Midler I have to watch with a box of tissues even though I have seen it a hundred times before. One of the songs from the film, Wind Beneath My Wings, makes me cry no matter how much I try not to. I guess it makes me think about all those who have sacrificed things in their lives for me (even just thinking of this song makes me well up).

Do you believe that music is food for the soul?

What songs provoke an emotion in you?

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