A woman holding a baby

Room DVD

May 10, 2016

Room tells the extraordinary story of Jack (Jacob Tremblay), a spirited 5-year-old who is looked after by his loving and devoted mother (Brie Larson). Like any good mother, Ma dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe, nurturing him with warmth and love and doing typical things like playing games and telling stories.

A woman holding a baby

Their life, however, is anything but typical – they are trapped – confined to an 11-by-11-foot space that Ma has euphemistically named Room. Ma has created a whole universe for Jack within Room, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that, even in this treacherous environment, Jack is able to live a complete and fulfilling life. But as Jack’s curiosity about their situation grows, and Ma’s resilience reaches its breaking point, they enact a risky plan to escape, ultimately bringing them face-to-face with what may turn out to be the scariest thing yet: the real world.

A screenshot of a newspaper
Running Time: 118mins // Cert: 15

Bonus features:

  • Audio Commentary with Director Larry Abrahamson ‘Making of’ featurette
  • ‘Eleven by Eleven’ featurette
  • ‘Cast & Crew’ featurettes

The multi-award winning ROOM is released on Blu-Ray and DVD on Monday 9th May and is available to buy from Amazon and all other good entertainment retailers.


A close up of a newspaper

To celebrate the release of Room on Blu-Ray and DVD, Boo Roo, and Tigger Too is lucky enough to have one Room DVD to giveaway

To enter simply complete the Gleam widget below:

Room DVD

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