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Just like when I was on maternity leave with the children finding my days filled with activities and life. Lockdown has started to feel the same, with our days filled with things around the home and enjoying hobbies. I do wonder how we will ever manage to squeeze in full days of school and work again.
Alas, life can’t stay in lockdown forever and we need to prepare for what comes at the end of it. Utilising the time we have now when we don’t have the usual demands on our time wisely. On the whole, I feel we are doing OK, although I do have to confess to a bout of procrastination.
How did I get on with last months goals?
As I set my goals last month, I was very much aware of the high failure rate my previous goals had incurred. With this in mind, I really thought about things that I wanted to tick off my to-do list. Focusing my goals around things that needed completing around the house.
Rearrange the garage
This is a work in progress, with the bulk of the junk sorted and given away to our local neighbourhood via a table set outside the front of the house. There are still a couple of things I still need to sort out and wipe down but I hope to have them completed within the next week, The storage boxes have been labelled 0 thank goodness for Avery labels, you can print different designs from their site straight on to the relevant size labels. With Christmas, Halloween, Easter boxes etc. labelled it will make it so much easier for What The Dad Said to find what we need.
Photo gallery
I thought that I was going to fail at this one as the frames I’d originally bought from IKEA was a different size to the prints that I’d been looking at. As luck would have it I spotted a deal for MixTiles pop up on social media and opted to take advantage of that and utilise the IKEA frames elsewhere in the house. They have just arrived and will be hopefully added to the staircase wall this week.
Bedroom mini makeover
This is a partial fail if I’m honest, as a I haven’t been able to get the paint colour required for the feature wall in Roo’s bedroom. I have, however, managed to source, order and receive all the soft furnishings and accessories I wanted. Although I’m still looking out for a chair to add to her room, not quite sure what style to go for so this is part of the problem – I’ll know it when I see it. As soon as the paint is in stock I can get it all pulled together, I didn’t want to do half and half (as the remaining half would probably get added to the never-ending to-do list).

My plans and goals for June
Thinking ahead to June I am hoping to focus a little more on the blog admin side of things. Now that my paid work has subsided and tasks around the house are checked off. It is time that I started to check off some of the behind-the-scenes things that are easy to complete, just really tedious!
Taking over from StumbleUpon a while back, it is a great place to discover a whole range of content. I need to go through my content and add a backlog of posts to MIX, As well as take a look at similar content on there – always good to see what content others are producing.
Pinterest pins
I have to hold my hands up and confess that Pinterest is one of those platforms that I’ve never really gotten my head around. Dipping my toe in every now and again. But not constant enough to see results. The new algorithm likes new pins so I need to create new Pinterest pins for my blog posts. Which when you take into consideration that I have over 4500 posts it’s no small task!
Social media scheduling
This again is one of those tasks that I do sporadically, which when I do schedule promotion of my previous posts on social media does help with engagement. So something that I need to be more constant with. My goal is to get a whole month scheduled at a time so that I can complete this task one workday per month – fingers crossed.
What goals do you have for June?
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