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Each month I highlight my monthly goals, partly to make myself accountable for the plans, tasks and goals that I include. But also in the hope that it inspires you to make a little list of monthly goals that you’d like to achieve for the month ahead. Helping you realise that you achieve more than you possibly give yourself credit for.
How can it be the end of June already? I really don’t feel as though I’ve had a full month. That somewhere along the way someone flipped the calendar forward an extra week or two. Needless to say, you can guess that I’ve not achieved a great deal this month if I am complaining about the lack of available days.
Overall, it’s been a good month. We’ve found ourselves a new way of completing chores, homeschooling and work – although I’m not feeling particularly motivated at the moment.
How did I get on with last months goals?
This past month I hoped to focus more on the blog admin side of things. Taking the time to complete the easy to do, but tedious tasks that have me going cross-eyed after an hour.
I managed to commander Roo to help me with the task of adding things to MIX. With her able to flick through my content and add it using the Mix Chrome Extension. She’s also been adding other posts from other sites to my folders so that I can refer back to them at a later date.
Pinterest Pins
This is a half-completed task. In so much that I have created the pin templates ready to make a bulk batch of pins for my content. However, I haven’t quite gotten around to making any and subsequently adding them to my Tailwind queue.
Social Media Scheduling
This is a work in progress, I have managed to set up the folders and scheduler. However, the content I have managed to add so far I am keeping as not approved as yet. Aiming to get a backlog of things to be published first. Fingers crossed I can get more added this coming month.

My plans and goals for July
For the month ahead, I’m not focusing on one particular area of my life. Rather hoping to have plans/goals set for different areas – in the hope that at least one will be fully achievable rather than the half-accomplishments that I’m managed recently.
No-spend month
I’m really looking to tighten our belts this month, with as close to a no-spend month as possible. Whilst we need to pay out for things like groceries and petrol for What The Dad Said’s car. I’m hoping that we can cut back on the non-essential things that we normally purchase and make more considered purchases for things that we actually need, rather than things we would like.
Day tripping
With lockdown restrictions easing it would be great to jump in the car and head out for a few hours together as a family. It doesn’t have to be anywhere special but just a change of scenery would do us the world of good.
Finishing touches
Please tell me that I’m not the only person with 101 things on their to-do list that they have started and just need to do the finishing touches to. Simple things like ironing new curtains before hanging them. Moving old clothes into the garage etc. This month I hope to cross off lots of these little tasks off my to-do list.
Do you have any plans or monthly goals for July?
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