A woman holding a cup, with Roo and Tigger

Maps, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Lisa Faulkner #LittleLoves

Just like that, the half term holidays are almost over again. It’s been a very busy week with an array of activities and places visited. My inbox is overflowing, the house looks a complete mess and there is some much washing that needs to be done. However, we have had so much fun!

A group of stuffed animals sitting on a bench


Unless you count directions and underground maps, I’m afraid I’ve completely failed under this category this week.


We were very fortunate to be invited to a special Joules screening of the new ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul‘. Oh, my goodness, I don’t think we have laughed so much in ages – you simply must go and watch this movie!

Joules have an AMAZING competition running at the moment to win a family holiday to Northern France plus £2000 worth of Joules clothing and a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book bundle – it ends this Sunday 4th June so enter now! (although maybe don’t, then I’ll have a better chance of winning)


With many, many miles covered this week, it has given us the perfect opportunity to catch up with some tunes in the car. Mr. Boo had put together a random Now album playlist on our iPod for our journeys. On the whole, the iPod gods were good to us and we had an amazing selection of songs from Pulp Disco 2000 to Let Loose Crazy For You.


A woman holding a cup, with Roo and Tigger

Blogging has opened the door to some amazing opportunities for my little family. This week I managed to take Roo to a baking masterclass with none other than Lisa Faulkner. Roo is a huge Masterchef fan so was excited to meet Lisa and have the chance to bake with her too. The Belvoir Fruit Farms event enabled us to make some yummy Madeleine Hot Air Balloons using their Elderflower cordials. Plus Roo was especially happy as she managed to win a new kitchen mixer for the best-decorated Madeleine’s.


How lucky have we been with the weather this week? Gone are the cooler days of spring, instead the days have been hot, hot, hot. This has made way for some bright colours and funky prints, especially for Piglet.

A little girl sitting on a bench


I’m going to miss the children when they go back to school next week – although I’m looking forward to the rest (if catching up on housework can be classed as a rest).

A close up of a logo

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