Whether you own your home or rent it, whether it’s a studio flat or a seven-bedroom mansion, there is one thing you must bear in mind; it has to be comfortable. It won’t matter how great the location is or what the room sizes are, and it really won’t matter what you’re paying for it every month – if it’s not comfortable, it’s not a home.
If you’re not feeling comfortable in your home right now, you have two options. The first is to move, which is expensive and stressful (and actually may not even be an option for everyone). The second is to make changes to your home to make it more comfortable and therefore enjoy it more. It is this second idea that we’re going to look more closely at; read on to find out more.
Visit The House In Person
Before we get started on the great ideas there are that will help to make your home more comfortable (and even if you already find it comfortable, there is always room for improvement), there is one point that it is important to make and to consider; when you want to buy or rent a new home, it’s crucial that you go there in person to view it.
It might sound strange, but when it comes to a place to live, your gut feeling – that first instinct you get as you walk through the door or even drive up the street – is something you need to listen to. Everyone will consider a home differently, and even if you ask a local friend to check it out for you or hire people to view the house on your behalf, the truth is that you really need to go there yourself.

You need to personally walk around the rooms and feel how the building flows. You need to open doors and feel the weight of the handles or how the carpet feels beneath your feet. You are the one who is going to be living in the property, so you need to experience it.
Houses will, more often than not, feel either comfortable or unpleasant when you walk inside. If the place doesn’t feel right and you decide to move in anyway because other factors like the location and the schools are good, you’ll never really be comfortable. It’s far better to choose wisely from the start if you want to ensure a happy home.
Get The Temperature Right
Whether you chose well or not, if you are living somewhere and you want to make it more comfortable, one thing that is easy to forget but that can make a real difference is the temperature. If a house is too hot or too cold, it’s going to be hard to get comfortable in a physical sense, and that will make you feel uncomfortable in a mental and emotional sense as well.
One great idea would be to have experts install water cooled air conditioning. This will help you enjoy the summer months much more, especially with the hotter temperatures we have been experiencing over the last few years. Colder temperatures are a little easier to deal with, especially in newer buildings that are made to combat this by being well-insulated. However, as good as this might be in terms of your heating use in the winter, it can mean that the heat stays inside when it’s hot outside, making summers even harder to bear. This is why air conditioning is such a good idea if you want to be comfortable.
Of course, you also need to be comfortable when it’s cold outside, and if you live in an older home or you simply feel the cold more, there are some options for you. Adding more insulation will always help, and so will sealing gaps in windows and doors. Plus, having heavy curtains or blinds at your windows will ensure the heat stays inside and doesn’t escape.

Think About Your Lighting
Lighting is an important part of making your home comfortable. You have to get it just right so that the space is not too dark (and therefore full of shadows and making it hard to actually do anything) or too bright (which is harsh on your eyes and can actually affect your circadian rhythm, making it hard to sleep properly).
If you want your home to be comfortable, you should always avoid fluorescent bulbs. These are too bright, and they also emit a popping or buzzing noise a lot of the time. Even if you don’t hear it consciously, your subconscious will hear it and this could make you feel on edge in your own home.
In fact, some people suggest that you shouldn’t have any ceiling lights at all, or if you do have them, they are only used when you really do have to light up the entire room. Most of the time you should use table lamps or standing lamps instead. These will light up just enough of the space to make a difference to your comfort level, and they won’t cause you to feel any kind of discomfort or disruption to your way of life.
No matter what kind of lighting you prefer, whether you want ceiling lights or you choose lamps, it’s a good idea to consider the bulbs you’re using. Opt for warmer tones rather than white, as you’ll feel a lot more comfortable that way.
It’s so easy to gather a lot of things around us. It’s human nature to want to collect things and to keep hold of those items that mean something. However, if you’re honest, you’ll probably know that not everything can mean something, and not everything will have positive memories associated with it. This means you’ll certainly have some things in your home that can easily be removed. Because of that, if you want your home to be more comfortable, it’s time to declutter.
Getting rid of unnecessary items – decluttering in other words – is one of the simplest ways to make your house seem more like a home. The first step is to purge your home of anything that is no longer needed or wanted. This will do double duty by making your home more visually appealing and helping you unwind after a long day.

To get started, go room by room and get rid of whatever you don’t use or need. These objects can be given to a charity, sold, or discarded. When you finally get around to decluttering your living area, you’ll be blown away by the difference in ambience. You’ll finally be able to feel completely comfortable, and, as a bonus, because you now know how good it feels to have less stuff around you, you’ll be less tempted to buy more, and that will save you a lot of money.
Get Some Quality Bedding
Quality bedding is another option to increase the cosiness and comfortable feeling of and in your house. Comfortable bedding consists of a variety of items, such as sheets, blankets, and pillows. You can mix and match and use items that work for you. Some people like a duvet, for example, and others like a blanket and sheets. Work out what’s best and what makes you feel most comfortable in the bedroom and ensure you get it right.
Quality is important, as we’ve said. Cheaper items won’t feel as comfortable and they won’t last as long, so although they might feel like a bargain at the time, the fact that you’ll have to replace them more often means they’ll usually end up costing you more in the end.
Consider the colours and patterns of your bedding as well; pick the ones that will help you unwind before bed. When your bedding is comfortable and stylish, going to bed every night becomes a welcome ritual. You’ll feel more refreshed and ready to take on the day because of the better quality of sleep you’ll be getting.

Make It Smell Good
If you want your home to be more comfortable, you should get rid of any smells that aren’t pleasant. Bad smells in the kitchen or musty smells in the basement are examples of this. Some ways to make your home smell better are to use air fresheners, open windows, and burn scented candles. You could also try cooking things that smell good, like garlic or cinnamon. If you get rid of bad smells, your home will be more inviting and fun to be in.
After a while, you may not even realise the bad smells are there, so it’s worthwhile investing in incense and candles just in case. It’s better to burn these things and release lovely scents into the air whether or not they’re needed than to run the risk of your home smelling bad and being uncomfortable because of it.
If you’re really unsure, ask your friends and family. When they come over, ask them to be honest about how your home smells. This will help you decide what to do next.
Improve Your Water Quality
One of the simplest ways to enhance the comfort of your home is by installing a water softener system. Hard water can cause a variety of issues, including dry skin, dull hair, and buildup in your plumbing. By softening your water, you’ll notice immediate improvements in how your water feels and performs. Softer water is not only better for your skin and hair, but it also helps extend the life of your appliances by preventing scale buildup.