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With Summer Nearly Here, Make Sure Your Home and Office Ventilation System Is Serviced

Summer’s just around the corner. There’s always so much to do in summer a lot of it fun, but some essential. Servicing your ventilation system is one of the essential tasks.

Ventilation System

Traditionally, ventilation and air conditioning systems have been less common in the UK than in many countries. As the BBC points out, this makes us ill-prepared for the heat-waves we can increasingly expect as global warming takes effect. And ventilation doesn’t have to contribute to warming, either. The Guardian reports that combined with a heat recovery system, it can be at the heart of a sustainable home.

A group of people standing in front of a fenceLike any mechanical system, though, ventilation needs maintenance. Some of this you can do yourself, but there’s no substitute for servicing by experts like specialist ventilation system provider Filtrex.

Why Does Your Ventilation System Need Servicing?

It’s been shown scientifically that the air in a building can be contaminated with bacteria, moulds, pollen and viruses, and these find air ducts, drain pans and humidifiers perfect for breeding. They contribute to a range of medical conditions, including headaches and eye irritation, which are known collectively as Sick Building Syndrome.

The NHS suggests that significant causes of SBS may include poor ventilation, especially when combined with airborne particles or chemical pollutants. While a ventilation system can considerably improve conditions, blocked or dirty filters can make air quality worse, as can accumulations of dirt or dust in the ducts.

A group of people posing for the camera

What Should You Do?

Filters need to be cleaned on a regular basis over the summer. Some of this are easy enough to do yourself, as long as the system is simple and you’re a competent DIYer — always remembering to switch the ventilation off completely before doing anything with it.

At least once a year, though — preferably just before you start using it for the summer — the ventilation system must have a thorough service from professionals. They’ll check that the filters are right for your needs and replace any filters that are worn out, as well as cleaning those that are still serviceable. They’ll also clean out the ductwork and give the whole system a thorough overhaul, leaving it to distribute clean air instead of contaminated air around the building.

If you have a ventilation system at home, it’s essential for your health and that of your children to keep it serviced, while if you own a workplace where other people work, this is a legal requirement. It’s also important to check that your workplace and your children’s schools are protecting your health.


Disclosure: This is a featured post

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