Lunch date disaster

January 18, 2012

As today was one of those rare occasion when both children were elsewhere me and Mr Boo grabbed the opportunity to have a lunch date. Our restaurant of choice today was the Harvester in Lowestoft.

After arriving at 1.15pm we were told that there was a 30 minute wait for a table, which we didn’t mind and took the opportunity to grab a drink in the bar (soft of course, gone are the days of a small tipple at lunchtime). We were seated by 1.35pm so not too long to wait after all, but had to wait a further 10 minutes before we could  place our order. We both chose the Harvester Combo, Mr Boo opting for the Spitroast chicken and Rump Steak. Whilst I opted for the Gammon Steak and Breast of Chicken.

The restaurant was still busy from the lunchtime rush so understood that our meal my take a little longer than usual to arrive. However, at 2.10pm our waitress came over to the table and apologised that she had in fact forgotten to place our order and had just sent it through to the kitchen. We inquired as to how long we would now have to wait for our food as we needed to get back for the school run. She ssaid she would check with the kitchen and get back to us.

At 2.15pm after hearing nothing else about how long it would take for our meals to arrive we got up and headed out of the door. I managed to speak to one of the managers and explained about the order hiccup and that we were leaving.

A drawing of a face

(image credit)

So much for a romantic lunch date… maybe next time…

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