A woman standing in front of a brick building

Love Island, All out 90’s and Hotter Shoes #LittleLoves

June 28, 2019

It’s been a funny old month, which as I approach the end of it I can’t help feeling as though I haven’t achieved very much. My to do list looks just as long as it did as I flipped the calendar round to June – to be honest I think it’s looking even longer (sob). I need to get my act together though as it’s now the countdown to the summer holidays.

Time for June’s #littleloves…

A laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table


I’ve failed miserably at my target of finishing ‘One Day in December‘, never mind starting and finishing ‘Things We Never Said‘. Truth be told, I’ve not even read a single page. A mix of time management and a lack of inspiration to sit and read. I’m hoping that once I get more organised I can set aside regular reading time.


I’m sure it will come as no surprise to regular readers when I confess that I’m watching Love Island. I love reality TV, although I’m not quite sure how much of a reality the actual show is. I can’t say I see many Love Island body type contestants in my everyday life.

Family film nights have been all about Captain America, which I thought I had previously seen but I couldn’t recall the storylines as they unfolded so maybe I hadn’t seen them.


I looked back at my recent #LittleLoves posts to see what I had been listening to. However, I’d completely missed this segment off… oops!

This month I’ve been reminiscing about the 90’s with ‘All Out 90’s‘ and ‘90’s Boy Bands‘ playlists on Spotify getting me through car journeys and work days.

A woman standing in front of a brick building


At the end of last month I was gifted a pair of Hotter Palmas sandals in citrus yellow. And I love them! I get so many looks and comments whenever I wear them.


This month has all been about making and maintaining friendships. With a few trips and events under my belt. It’s been wonderful to get to chat with the friends in my computer in real life.

Although I do feel as though I’m sucking a little as a real-life friend. I can blame time constraints, family commitments etc. But really all of those shouldn’t get in the way of friendship and being there for those people you are lucky enough to call a friend.


It’s 20 years since I left high school – I’m feeling very old!

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