7 Things For New Entrepreneurs To Show Your Team You Care

July 19, 2022


One of the most frequent complaints employees have about the business is lack of care. When employees feel that the business is not taking an interest in their well-being, they do not have any reason to stay with a company.

Showing you care is not easily done. Managers can opt for a variety of strategies and approaches to demonstrate their good intentions to the staff.

Making yourself accessible and available for queries and problems can be a game-changer. Too many managers choose to keep their office doors shut, creating both a physical and virtual barrier between them and their staff.

You could also get to know employees personally through conversations. Building a friendly relationship with your team means you get a better understanding of how to approach and motivate different individuals for the best results.

Finally, it is worth reminding every business owner that the hard work mentality doesn’t work in the long term. Employees do not want to work hard for no compensation. They do not feel satisfied in bringing a complex project to a successful conclusion through overtime work, lack of sleep, and high consumption of coffee. When there’s too much work to tackle, it’s not a matter of working hard but it’s a case of investing in the relevant resources.

In other words, your attitude towards your employees can help make them feel valued and cared for. But there’s a lot more a business can do to keep its employees.

7 Ways to look after your employees

Provide training opportunities

The business world changes. The market evolves. And skills can rapidly become obsolete. The days when recruiters asked for Words proficiency on CVs are long gone. Nowadays, using word processors is a given. But as new skills keep appearing, it’s essential to support your team with a learning management system, or LMS for business. Essentially, it is a tool that enables you to identify and distribute specific learning for departments within the business, so you can target unique needs. Online training and learning platforms are growing in popularity as they allow employees to learn at their own pace. 

Expecting employees to learn in their spare time and invest in unsupported training is a business aberration. Most teams are likely to move to a more considerable employer. 

Share lifestyle improvement articles

Why should a business talk about lifestyle to their employees? The reason is simple: work is a part of life. Choices that employees make in the workplace can affect their health, mood, and overall mental strength during and outside of working hours. Therefore, it can be crucial to develop a lifestyle improvement policy that reminds them to make positive choices.

You could curate a series of articles to share with them about relaxation techniques, taking care of oneself, or even making healthy diet decisions. Not everyone may benefit from it. Those who need support and guidance could appreciate the articles. Those who don’t need them might choose to ignore the content. But ultimately, it can serve as a healthy reminder and a conversation starter, helping raise awareness about self-care within the team. 

Upgrade the office 

If your employees work in the office, or even if a part of the team comes to the office, it may be worth investing in proper office decor. Indeed, the office is designed to be a functional place that needs to:

  • Support productivity
  • Encourage creativity
  • Promote cooperation

Now ask yourself a simple question: Does your current office layout do all that? Does it fulfil any of its purposes? If the answer is no, it’s time to plan your next office interior style. There is no need to go big and bold. You need to put the focus on comfort, storage, and ergonomics. Comfortable and ergonomic work surfaces and chairs are crucial. Employees can spend 8 to 10 hours at their desks. They need to protect their back, wrist, and neck health. 

Similarly, storage is important. When people work on many tasks, materials and documentation can accumulate on the desk. Providing a suitable storage area will help keep their workspace clear and clutter-free. 

Last but not least, you want to add a touch of personality through art pieces, potted plants, and soothing paint. 

7 Ways to look after your employees

Upgrade their tech equipment

When was the last time your team had new laptops? An old laptop may still work, but it can be slow or even fail to access the latest operating system updates, which can expose it to security risks. Additionally, old devices tend to overheat, causing technical problems, sudden shutdowns, and discomfort. 

Be cautious when you purchase team equipment. Considering the tech specs will make a big difference. For instance, an accountant and an art designer will need different features and functions from their devices. More often than not, there is no such thing as opting for a laptop that will fit the needs of everyone in the team. Showing your care begins with understanding different requirements and ensuring everyone is equipped to work as best as possible. 

Provide flexibility

The need for flexible working is growing. According to a report from ADP, 60% of UK employees would like more flexibility in their work. More and more employees would consider a four-day week, allowing them to spend more time with their family. Previous experiments in Europe have already shown the advantages and success of a four-day week. Businesses have recorded not only increased productivity but also enhanced motivation and creativity. Additionally, they have also seen lower turnover rates during the implementation of the four-day week. 

Is such a strategy applicable to the UK? There is no reason why many offices could give their team the Friday or Monday off. When giving a day off is not a suitable option, flexibility could certainly provide more freedom for the team. Not everyone is suitable for a 9 to 5 work life. Yet, there is so much creativity and productivity in flexible work solutions that it seems a pity to miss out. 

7 Ways to look after your employees

Offer private health insurance

The NHS is facing increasing difficulties. The combined pressure driven by the pandemic and the Brexit aftermath makes it hard for NHS workers to provide timely care to all patients. As a result, it’s not uncommon for Britons to have to wait several hours, if not days depending on their locations, to be able to see a doctor. So, more and more employees are willing to work for companies that promise private healthcare as part of their perks.

Provide family holiday deals

How much does the typical British family of two adults and two children spend to book a holiday? The current inflation drives holiday costs high. A lot of families are forced to pick a simple staycation holiday or put their finances at risk. Others avoid holidaying altogether because they can’t afford it anymore. 

As a business, you can make arrangements with a choice of holiday providers to obtain discounts. It could be by reaching out to local attractions or restaurants for unique discount opportunities or making an agreement with holiday resorts. It could make holidays more manageable for employees, ensuring everyone can relax during their break. 

What kind of holiday deals are suitable?

  • Discounts during summer breaks
  • Discounts for off-peak season
  • Free upgrades in hotels
  • Paid-for airport car park for holiday trips
  • Free access to airport lounges
  • Membership for travel points such as Airmiles programmes or visiting unique places
  • Free travel insurance for the duration of the trip
  • Agreement with holiday villas and resorts for discounts or free activities
  • Etc. 

More often than not, a little freebie can go a long way for your employees! 

Are you ready to show your team they are cared for? From providing training programmes to offering private health insurance policies, there are many ways to look after your employees. 

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