How to Plan Your Long Business Trip

June 22, 2021

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Planning a long business trip is challenging. You have to plan everything that will happen during your trip, both in your destination and in the company you leave behind. Even though you can communicate with your employees over long distances, it is hard to trust your employees to do everything by themselves correctly. So how to make sure that your trip will be nice and you won’t need to worry about anything?

Here, you can find some tips on how to plan your long business trip, including planning your meetings ahead of time, making sure that your company is appropriately secured, preparing all necessary documents, and many more. Read on!

Plan Your Meetings

First of all, you should plan your meeting ahead of time. Try to understand what exactly you need to get from the meeting and how much time you will spend on it. Also, try to include some time for a break between meetings or workshops for a short rest.

You should also plan your schedule in advance. It means that you should always know how much time you have and when you need to be where. Always be on time — it is very important. If you arrive late or have to change your schedule in any way, you should inform the clients about it as soon as possible and explain why you could not follow the initial plan.

Inform Your Company About Your Absence

During your absence, your employees should have enough information about your work and the company’s activities. You should let them know everything they need to know about everything they can imagine. Make sure that all of them understand what they should do during your absence and how they can solve any problems that might pop up during your absence. You might also consider who would be in charge during your absence. 

Also, make sure that all data about your company is encrypted and protected against hackers. Contact ISO 27001 consultants to help you protect your information. Maintain some kind of contact with your employees — this is very important! If something happens during your absence, they will need you to solve the problem immediately.

How To Plan Your Long Business Trip

Plan Your Free Time

Even though you are going on a business trip, it is such a good opportunity to sightsee the city. Planning excursions is a very important part of your free time. If you are going to have a long business trip to a foreign country, try to learn its basic language. Also, if you plan to explore the city, make sure to be acquainted with the map beforehand. It will make your trip much more interesting and memorable.

If you are planning to visit a country where English is not the native language, try to find a person who can communicate with the locals for you. This person can help you with negotiations, getting around, booking tickets, and so on. Maybe your client will assign their employee to show you around. 

Plan Your Health Care

Of course, it is very important to take care of your health while you are on a long business trip. Before you leave your home country, don’t forget to purchase international insurance. And if you feel unwell, try to find a good doctor or someone who can help you with your health care issues. Plan out everything in advance, and don’t forget about vaccinations if needed. 

Plan Your Finances

Try to organize some way to get money when you need it. In most cases, credit cards and ATMs can be used anywhere in the world; however, it is better not to use them for security reasons: there is always a chance that someone can steal your card or get access to your account from another place. Assign a budget for your trip, track it, and make sure not to go over the limit. 

How To Plan Your Long Business Trip

Prepare Your Documents

Of course, having many documents is important when you are going on a long business trip. Make sure that all of them are valid and up-to-date. Also, don’t forget about some kind of identification on the list: a passport or driver’s license is usually enough. 

If you need to take a lot of documents with you, but you don’t have enough space for them, you can keep them in an online version. Make sure to keep your information encrypted and do not share the access with anyone. 

Spend Time With Your Family and Friends

It is very important for family and friends to understand that you are going to be away for some time. For example, if you are going abroad, make sure that they know about all regulations for entering the country and getting back into it. Also, make sure that they can reach you at any time in case of emergencies or just because they miss you. 


Every long business trip is worth every effort that you put into it. Of course, sometimes you have some troubles with travel arrangements or meetings — but hey, this is business! Despite this fact, such trips are very useful for both your personal development and career growth. Perhaps, in the future, you will assign your trusted employee to go abroad to do business with clients instead of travelling by yourself. Giving such an opportunity to your employees can be a great motivator

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