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Living Arrows Week Seventeen {2015}

April 27, 2015

We’ve been really trying to make the most of the warm weather over the past few weeks. After collecting the children from school on Thursday we decided to dump the bags in the car and head out over the sand dunes next to where we park everyday.

I’ve lived in Great Yarmouth for 18 years and I’ve never walked over this part of the beach so had no idea of what was hidden past the dunes. Heading out on an adventure with Tigger still dressed in his school uniform and Roo is her Cub Scout uniform for St George’s Day we wanted to see how far away the sea was.

Finding different flowers and plants along the way, a family of snails and watching the occasional dog walker wander past.

As we made to the water’s edge I stood back and watch Roo and Tigger interact with each other. Watching as Roo took Tigger’s hand to off reassurance that she was there and that the water wouldn’t splash his shoes.

A person standing on a beach

A young boy standing on a sandy beach

As I watched I felt blessed that I have these two little people in my life.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth – Khalil Gibran

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