Life In Lockdown | I’m so over this week {Week 31}

October 18, 2020

I’m so ready for this week to be over, it feels as though it has pushed all my buttons. A rollercoaster of emotions that has seen me happy, sad, annoyed, frustrated and angry (truly bitter if I’m completely honest with you). I do look at others lives from the outside and wonder how they manage to succeed far easier than my life. Of course, I have no idea what goes one behind closed doors as people don’t really know what happens in my life either. I do, however, wish that things would be a little easier to deal with at times.

Parents evening

The week started with parents evening phone calls for Tigger and Piglet. I’m always intrigued to hear what the children are like at school compared to their time at home.

  • Tigger is meeting all his targets and accelerating in maths and his reading levels. A talkative nature that sometimes requires a word from the teacher but on the whole, he is doing well. One area that we continue to work in is his emotional communication. Opting to withdraw into himself when he gets frustrated, annoyed and angry. Refusing to share what it is that has made him emotional. This is an issue both at school and at home but as yet we have been unable to unlock the answers as to how we move forward.
  • Piglet has settled well into Reception class, enjoying her time there and never not wanting to go into school. We do have an issue with a child in her class who is violent towards her (and other children in the class). Although the school are aware of this I am worried that it is escalating – with a kick to her stomach last week. She’s progressing well with the topics and learning areas they are covering at the moment. Her emotional/diva state is something that requires improvement. Dwelling on rule-breakers, injuries and things not going her way. I have advised that they need to be firm and let her know that enough is enough after the initial incident. Hopefully distracting her and allowing her to move onto the next task/challenge.

Trouble at school

Keeping on the theme of school, Tigger found himself in trouble at school this week. Following a lunchtime incident with another child, he said something inappropriate and the other child lashed out and repeatedly slapped him across the head. He’s been spoken to at school and at home, making him understand why what he said was inappropriate and how the other child might have felt at hearing those words. Resulting in an electronics ban until Monday.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

It’s been a busy week for Roo as well with her signing up to complete the bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award via her school. Three challenges are to be completed over the course of the next six months. I’m sure she is up to the challenge and has selected the areas in which she wishes to focus on.


A wave of exhaustion has hit me this week, finding myself unable to keep my eyes open at times. Whilst my frozen shoulder is finally starting to improve I think the disturbed nights are finally catching up with me.

Planning half term

With the half-term holidays fast approaching I have been planning what to get up to with the children. Thankfully What The Dad Said is also off so we’re able to enjoy some family time with the children. Planning a day on/day off pattern to ensure we get the best of both worlds between family adventures and time to recuperate and chill out at home. So far I’ve booked ROARR Dinosaur Adventure and a couple of SEA LIFE Centre visits.

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