Life in lockdown… This week I have struggled to get through the days. Whilst I confess I am enjoying staying at home with the children. I have struggled mentally as this past week we should have been joying a family holiday in Somerset. Before climbing aboard a ferry to explore Guernsey for a long weekend. Things that can possibly be rearranged for another time but it was something that had been planned for some time. I guess in many ways it was the first real thing that we had to change. First world problems and all that but a dose of reality for me.
Life In Lockdown {Week 3}

Daddy’s at work
I would like to think that we’ve gotten ourselves into a groove when it comes to completing schoolwork and chores around the home. Although we are feeling a little disjointed as What The Dad Said is working additional hours. The children. Piglet especially is missing him and as there is no pattern to his shifts we’ve not got into a routine of him being gone in the mornings or afternoons.
Self employed
After being made redundant I made the decision to stay at home and become full-time self-employed. Something which has given me the flexibility to work around the family. Working freelance is not always easy but the advantages can outway the disadvantages. However, with businesses closing, budgets put on hold and everything up in the air. I have for the first time found myself with the prospect of no income.
PAYE employees are being furloughed with up to 80% for their wages being paid by the government. For the self-employed, it is a slightly different kettle of fish. We will be getting support, albeit not until June at the earliest. Not quite sure whether I will manage until then, or whether I will need to find employment to tide us over.
Making ends meet
Alongside the lack of income coming in, we have been taking a look at our finances. Looking to see what things we can cancel, postpone for another time as well as apply for a mortgage payment holiday. Thankfully we are doing OK for groceries and the chest freezer is topped up. I have been making the most of yellow labels in the supermarket and bargain hunting. Unlike what I have seen on social media we are burning through food or thinking of the next meal all the time. Partly as the children have always had packed lunches for school, something we have continued at home.
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