Hello October! The prolonged lockdown has made me question just how far we are through the year. It doesn’t seem possible that it is October already, feeling as though we skipped a month or two without noticing. Whilst there is a part of me looking forward to 2020 being over, there is a part of me that feels we need to cherish the days in order to make better memories than those of living through a pandemic.
Out of sync
It’s been an odd sort of week with us feeling a little out of sync with everything. What The Dad Said‘s shifts a little all over the place. My attempt to blast through some copy typing and the realities of everything life has meant we’ve not really seen each other very much.
Always on my mind
I’ve been on edge this week, feeling anxious for no apparent reason. My insomnia, weird dreams and night sweats are back with a vengeance. I’m not sure if it’s a delayed reaction to having breakfast with friends late last week. Or watching the Louis Theroux Savile documentary. Either way, my mind has been in overdrive and whilst I’m quite good at coping strategies during the day, this means that the night time is when my mind and body catch up with me. I’m not sure what the solution is other than being kind to myself when I feel as though I’m overwhelmed by everything.

Sleepover fun
Roo’s school have split the children into bubbles by year group. Which is still a large number of students, but I don’t know how else they would be able to do it. Anyway, with their bubbles in place we have been able to start the road to somewhat normality by have a friend over for a sleepover. A chance to have fun, face masks and Netflix. But also an opportunity to be a teenager rather than being stuck at home with just us for company.
Harvest Festival Sugar
One of the key differences I noticed between Roo and Tigger at school was that Roo would tell us in great detail about her day. Whereas Tigger barely said a word about his, even with prompting you are lucky to get a couple of sentences out of him. With Piglet now at school she is just like Roo, telling us everything. Although she says things in such a matter of fact way. Including telling me that she needed a bag of sugar for the harvest festival, to be placed in a bag, tied up and then placed in the box in her classroom. Tigger never even mentioned it until I said I’d dropped one-off for him too.
Frozen shoulder
Years of bad ergonomic office work has left me with twinges in my shoulders from time to time. At the moment, my left shoulder/neck is so unbelievably painful. Leaving me unable to anything for days.
Potentially a trapped nerve as the pain radiates down my arm as well as pins and needles in my hand. I’ve been attempting to move it as much as possible but OUCH! it really hurts. I feel as though I’m stuck in the loading screen of life, just waiting (somewhat impatiently) for everything to finish loading.