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Please tell me that I am not the only one with a list of jobs, tasks or chores to be completed for almost every room in the house. Those ideas and things that we would love to do but never quite get around to completing. Whether it is time, budget or lack of skills. With life in lockdown at the moment, it seems the perfect time for those tasks that we are usually time poor for.
The garden is one area of our home that we have always wanted to make more of. At the moment it is just an open space for the children to play in. Which we are very lucky to have, especially as our last home only had a small yard for them to play in. With hopes that the better weather is on its way along with time on our hands I thought I’d put together a garden bucket list of all the things, we’d like to achieve.
A Life in Lockdown Garden Bucket List

Earlier this year the fence at the bottom of our garden blew over. It had been a little wobbly for a while but finally gave up and needed to be replaced. The new fence panels installed are a hideous orangey colour – something that when you see it against the green grass makes it appear even brighter. This needs to be painted dark oak to match the fence installed by our neighbours the year before last. While I’m at it the garden gate could also do with a lick of paint too.
The old wooden playhouse has sadly seen better days. A combination of originally been placed on the lawn instead of a slab base. As well as the storms earlier in the year have meant that it is no longer suitable for the children to play. Or be utilised as storage for the children’s scooters and outdoor toys. We need to purchase a new garden storage unit that can hold all of these items but still be accessible for the children.
The patio and paved areas around the garden are looking dirty and stained. A good scrub down with patio cleaner (which I ordered last summer) and a blast from the pressure washer should hopefully have this looking better.
Outdoor play
During one of the storms earlier in the year, we lost the children’s trampoline. Blown up against the fence and pinned between our house and our neighbours (sorry once again). Sadly it was bent out of place and we had to dismantle it and take it to the recycling centre. Although the children still have a football goal that they use we’d love to add a swing set or a climbing frame for them to play with.
Having lived in our current home for almost four years we have given up the hope of getting grass to grow around the edge of the garden. A mixture of shading from the garden wall in one area and possible rubble in the ground around the garage means that we always have a foot or two of lawn missing. Originally we thought about adding a border with slate chippings, however, we feel that adding a paving slab border around the edge would work better for us.
Green fingers
Having brought some rattan planters last year they have just sat in the garden collecting rainwater. It would be lovely to finally plant these and add a pop of colour to the garden. Although I’m not very green-fingered so I’m going to need to do some research as to which plants would work best.
Do you have any plans for your garden during life in lockdown?
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