Although there is no denying the importance of providing our children with a sound academic education recognised throughout the world, teaching life skills to minors is also essential for the development of our offspring. In fact, parents who appreciate the need to put their child’s education before their own worldly desires are bound to consider one of the more enlightened schools found in Thailand or wherever they are residing. Indeed, by choosing an international school that places just as much emphasis on developing life skills of students as the attainment of academic qualifications, parents and their children in this part of the world will be following a very worthwhile path.

Some Life Skills To Learn
By teaching children how to grow their own vegetables and take care of the environment, we are helping them acquire some very important life skills. Fortunately for parents determined to send their kids to a school with good social values, there are a number of international schools that are able to deliver just what they aspire to. Notwithstanding self-sufficiency education provided by these schools, many offer an excellent curriculum too. Apart from the aforementioned life skills provided by forward thinking schools, there are numerous other things parents should consider as being important for their child to learn including:
- budgeting and managing money
- developing people skills
- time management
- running a household
- being a valued member of society
British Curriculum
Anyone that has received a decent education in Britain will have no hesitation in searching for a school for their children that provides a British curriculum. Indeed, if we consider the amount of people who have become very successful in life after receiving sound core subjects training at a school offering a British-based curriculum, there is no wonder that this option in an education programme is so popular around the globe. For example, parents who want their child to enrol at international schools in Chiang Mai should take the time to view their website to learn about the British curriculum they provide as well as all the other benefits of sending their children to a highly-revered school in Thailand. Of course, mothers and fathers with a keen interest in environmental conservation will be thinking of how they can pass on their ethical stance to their kids. What some parents who care about their carbon footprint will do is look at websites providing well-informed blogs. By taking the time to read articles on sites like these, green folk with children should be able to help guide them in the right direction.
As more and more people living in the developing and developed world are beginning to understand the impact people have on our environment, teaching our children how to become more eco-friendly has become so much more vital. Apart from looking on the internet for reviews on environment-focused schools, parents in this neck of the woods may want to consider providing a bit of home tutoring. Indeed, showing our young children images of ways to reduce a negative impact on the environment is good for their education.
Moreover, showing pictures of eco-friendly homes and other innovative methods to take care of our planet should help provide our children with some inspiration. By combining this ethical approach with sending our kids to a school that supports an eco-friendly environment, our children can discover how they can make a difference to our troubled environment. Of course, enrolling our dependents at one of the better international schools where we are located should enable them to receive a sound academic education too.
This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer
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