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Many children are labelled as having an attention deficit disorder. However, the truth is that most children just have a short attention span and this is normal. There are two reasons why attention spans are short.
The first is because there are so many interesting things going on that children need to learn about. The second is that lessons are inevitably boring. After all, even as an adult, you wouldn’t enjoy sitting through an hour-long lecture learning a subject that didn’t interest you or seem relevant.
That’s why the best child care establishments, such as this child care Liverpool, are finding ways to make learning more fun and engaging.
Small Sections
Don’t attempt to talk to your students for an hour, that’s like a lifetime to a child that will simply want the lesson to end. Instead, speak for short periods and then break up the lesson with activities. It makes the subject more interesting and relevant.
If you need to you can even introduce a physical exercise into the middle of the class, such as jumping jacks. That will certainly get everyone’s blood flowing!

Let Your Students Choose
The ability to make decisions is an important life skill and you can teach this while making lessons more fun. Put simply, give your students a choice regarding what activity to do during your lesson or which homework assignment they would like to do. Giving them choices gives them a vested interest which encourages them to do the work.
Work In Groups
Many children don’t like voicing their opinions in front of the entire class, it can be intimidating. You can get around this by doing regular group work. It gives each individual a chance to shine and learn the subject without putting them on the spot.
Field Trips
The classroom is naturally a little stuffy, making it harder for children to focus and stay interested in a subject. But, change the venue and children will love it. Take them outside if you can and organize field trips that are relevant to the lesson plan.
You’ll see an impressive difference in motivation and enjoyment.
Keep It Relevant
Don’t forget that it is much easier to be engaged and have fun in a lesson if a child can see the relevance of what they are learning. In keeping with this, you should make sure that every lesson connects in some form to their everyday lives. This will help them to see the relevance and make the lesson instantly more interesting.

Include technology
Using technology is a great way to break up the learning process and it automatically seems fun for children. It is also important as technology will be an integral part of their lives. In short, using technology will help them learn and prepare them for the future at the same time.
Finally, you can talk to your students to find out which aspects of the lessons they like and which they don’t. This makes it easier to create a lesson plan that engages them while teaching them.