A person posing for the camera, with Which Way

Learn with OJO | Messy Goes to OKIDO – The Which Way? Game

June 5, 2019

This is a partnership post with Learn with OJO

The Which Way? Game from Learn with OjO is an interactive board game that teaches kids the fundamental principles of programming. It can be played among 1-4 players and guess what…

Grown-ups are allowed to play too!

A young boy sitting at a table with a birthday cake

The Which Way? Game

The Which Way? game is an exciting new strategy game that teaches 4 top coding skills for 4-8 year olds. Children will love learning 4 top coding skills with the whole family, friends and classmates! Who can help Messy (from CBeebies TV show, Messy Goes to OKIDO) to visit all his friends across the map first?

What’s included in the Which Way? Game?

  • Magnetic gameboard
  • Magnetic tiles (6x short straights, 6x corners, 1x crossroads, 1x long straight, 1x ‘S’ bend and 1x bridge)
  • Magic car
  • Mission wheel
  • Screwdriver
  • Replacement batteries

I have to point out two amazing features of this game which doesn’t necessarily affect game play but certainly makes a parents life easier. Firstly, the magic car comes complete with batteries, but not only that there are replacement batteries included with the game. Secondly, a mini screwdriver has also been included to enable parents to easily access and change the batteries so that game play can continue without having to hunt down that elusive screwdriver (they always hide when you need them).

A close up of a coffee cup sitting on a table, with Product

The large magnetic game board makes it easier for children to see the different destinations that they need to make and plan a path between each one. Whilst the magnetic tiles are easy to attach to the game board squares to allow for ease of lining up the path for the magic car to run along.

How to play the Which Way? Game

Open the box

Take everything out and lay it out on the table. Place the magnetic tiles face down and each player takes one in turn. Whoever picks up the pink piece first goes first.

Spin the Mission Wheel

Spin the wheel to discover your mission. The challenge is to help Messy reach the destinations defined by the mission. This is the first coding skill: Define the problem.

Plan your route

Using your finger, trace Messy’s fastest route across the map to the destinations defined by the mission. This is the second coding skill: Plan the solution. 

Build your path

Construct your path by placing the magnetic tiles onto the grid. Make sure the black road lines up! This is the third coding skill: Code the program.

Test your path

Switch on the self-driving Okidoodle car and place it at the Start position. Will it drive all the way to your set destinations? If yes, then your mission for this round is complete! If no, then you must go back and fix your path! This is the fourth coding skill: Test the solution. 

Record your score

Keep track of your progress by ticking off the friends Messy has visited on the scoreboard. The first player to reach all destinations is the winner!

Scan the QR code

On the front of the box there is a QR code which you can scan with your phone and discover more game challenges and ways to play!

A girl sitting on a table


  1. Define the problem
  2. Plan the solution
  3. Build the program
  4. Test it!

The benefits of coding include:

  • Improves performance in math, writing, creativity and confidence
  • Builds soft skills in focus, resilience and communication
  • Paves the path to future empowerment, life skills and career preparation

Tigger shows you how to set up and play the Which Way? Game

Tigger asked to do a little video to show you all what you get in the box, how to set it up and most importantly, how to play!

Where can you buy the Which Way? Game

The Which Why? Game is currently available via Learn with OjO with estimated delivery for early years coding game in late June – perfect for the start of the new school year or to pop away for Christmas.

What we thought of the Which Way? Game

At first glance you might be fooled into thinking that this is simple coding game. Aimed at children aged 4-8 years old, something that will teach the basic principles of coding. Which, of course, it does. However, it also teaches them to map read, to plan an idea, execute it and decipher whether it worked or whether there was a better route that could have been made.

Tigger is quite a logical child, even as a toddler he would spend hours completing jigsaws and puzzles. So as soon as the Which Way? Game arrived I knew that he would find this interesting. Although he is at the top end of the recommended age bracket for the board game, I feel that he still got enough out of the different challenges. Attempting to find the best route utilising the available pieces and ensuring that it is the fastest route.

A person posing for the camera, with Which Way

It is a game that he can play by himself or can enjoy with his siblings or even myself and Mr Boo. He has just started a science club after school this term so has taken it with him so that the other students in his group can discover the world of coding.

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