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Is this the end of an era?

July 14, 2015

At the beginning of last month a bombshell was dropped in my day job. The place in which I have worked since Roo was just 9 months old faces closure. We’re a month into a three-month public consultation as to whether the service remains or is replaced by community home based services.

The future of my workplace and my job is uncertain and I’m confused as to how to feel about it all. The final decision on the outcome comes the day before I start maternity leave with Piglet.

As I am going on maternity leave I am probably not as concerned about the day-to-say business of being redeployed or made redundant. As it stood I was unsure whether or not to return to work after maternity leave especially with three children in different age groups all needing different things from me. Now I have the prospect of hoping I can find another role within my organisation or hope for redundancy.

My colleagues are unsure whether to stay or to go before the decision comes in which means we could close earlier than expected if we have unsafe staffing levels.

Is this the end of an era?

Am I to hope that the public will stand up for our service or is this simply a tick box exercise and the decision to close has already been made?

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