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Planning A Vacation? Here’s How To Set Your HVAC System Before You Go

July 22, 2024


Are you heading off on that dream vacation? Fantastic! But amidst the packing frenzy and itinerary excitement, don’t forget about your trusty HVAC system. No one wants to return from paradise to a sweltering sauna or an icebox of a house, right? Or worse, sky-high energy bills that’ll make you wish you’d stayed home. That’s where a little pre-vacation HVAC prep comes in.

This article will explore how a few tweaks to your HVAC settings can make all the difference between a relaxing homecoming and a major headache.

Why Bother with HVAC Settings on Vacation?

So, why should you even care about adjusting your HVAC system before heading out? After all, it’s just going to sit there while you’re soaking up the sun or hitting the slopes, right? Not quite.

Here’s why your HVAC system deserves a little attention before vacation:

Planning A Vacation? Here’s How To Set Your HVAC System Before You Go

Energy efficiency

Your HVAC system is a major energy consumer, especially during scorching summer months or chilly winter days. Leaving it running at its usual settings while you’re gone is a recipe for a wallet-draining surprise when you get back and get your energy bill through. By adjusting those settings, you can significantly cut down on energy consumption and save a pretty penny.

Home protection

Picture this: you walk through the door after a blissful vacation, only to be greeted by a wave of stifling heat or a bone-chilling cold. Or worse, you discover your precious houseplants have withered, your electronics have malfunctioned, or your pipes have burst due to extreme temperatures. Proper HVAC settings can prevent these nightmares and ensure your home is safe and sound while you’re away.

Comfort and well-being

Extreme temperatures can disrupt your sleep, mood, and even your immune system. By setting your HVAC right, you’re ensuring a happy homecoming to a comfortable and healthy environment.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your HVAC for your time away, don’t hesitate to secure your HVAC with expert care before your next adventure. They can ensure it’s in tip-top shape and programmed correctly for your absence, giving you peace of mind while you’re gone.

Know the Ideal HVAC Settings for Different Seasons

Your HVAC system needs different thermostat settings depending on the season. Here’s the lowdown:

Planning A Vacation? Here’s How To Set Your HVAC System Before You Go

Summer vacation

Aim for around 85°F (29°C). This temperature keeps things from getting too stuffy or humid while preventing your AC from working overtime. If you have pets, delicate plants, or temperature-sensitive items at home, you might want to bump them up a degree or two to keep them comfy.

Winter vacation

.A good rule of thumb is to set your thermostat to around 55°F (13°C). This is usually low enough to save energy but high enough to prevent any icy mishaps. If you’re in a super-cold climate, consider asking a friend or neighbor to swing by and check on things every now and then.

The shoulder seasons

If you have smart thermostats, you’re in luck! It can adjust itself based on the weather outside. If not, try to find a happy medium that keeps your home comfortable without wasting energy.

Remember, your ideal settings might vary depending on your home’s insulation, the number of people (and pets!) living there, and your personal preferences. The key is to find that sweet spot where you’re saving energy, protecting your home, and ensuring a comfortable return.

What NOT to Do with Your HVAC on Vacation

Your HVAC system will thank you for avoiding these common mistakes:

The Importance Of Proper HVAC Maintenance

Extreme temperature changes

While it’s tempting to crank the AC system down to arctic levels or blast the heating to toasty temperatures while you’re gone, resist the urge. Drastic indoor temperature setting swings can stress your system unnecessarily and lead to breakdowns. Remember, your goal is to maintain a comfortable, safe environment.

Turning off the system completely

Turning off your HVAC system is a big no-no. In the summer, this can lead to skyrocketing humidity levels, mold growth, and even damage to your electronics and furniture. In the winter, it can cause pipes to freeze and burst, leading to a flooded mess when you return. So, even when you’re not home, keep that system humming along at a moderate room temperature.

Neglecting pre-vacation maintenance

Before you leave, make sure you’ve changed the air conditioning system filters, cleared any debris from the outdoor unit, and scheduled any necessary maintenance. A little TLC before you go can prevent big headaches later.

By avoiding these common blunders, you’ll be doing your HVAC system a huge favor. It’ll run more efficiently, last longer, and be ready to welcome you back with open arms (or ventilation, rather) when you return.

Additional Tips for HVAC Vacation Prep

Here are some bonus tips to give your HVAC system a little extra love before you take off:

HVAC Systems: Essential Basics to Know Before You Buy

Seal air leaks

Check for any sneaky leaks or gaps around windows, doors, and even your attic. Sealing these up keeps the ideal temperature stable and prevents energy waste.

Embrace smart technology

If you haven’t jumped on the smart thermostat bandwagon yet, now might be the time. These nifty gadgets let you control your HVAC system from your phone, no matter where you are.

Clear the outdoor unit

Give your outdoor AC unit a little breathing room by removing any leaves, dirt, or debris that might be blocking its airflow. This simple step can help it run more efficiently and prevent any unexpected hiccups.

By following these tips, you’re giving yourself peace of mind. You’ll be able to fully relax and enjoy your vacation, knowing your home is in good hands.

Returning Home After Vacation

Ah, the sweet relief of returning home after an amazing vacation. But before you dive into that pile of mail or unpack your souvenirs, take a moment to show your HVAC system some love:

Home Upgrades that Add Value and Comfort

Gradual return

Don’t shock your system by immediately cranking the thermostat to your usual setting. Instead, gradually adjust it back to normal over a few hours. This will help prevent any unnecessary strain and ensure a smooth transition back to your everyday comfort levels.

Listen and observe

Listen for any strange noises, check for leaks, and make sure everything is running smoothly. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to call a professional for a checkup.

With a little care and attention, your HVAC system will continue to be your trusty companion, keeping you comfortable all year round.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it – your HVAC vacation checklist! A few simple steps can ensure your home stays comfortable, safe, and energy-efficient while you’re off exploring the world. Now, go forth and enjoy your adventures, knowing your trusty HVAC system has your back.

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