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Moving to another country is a dream of many. Some are fleeing war-torn areas, some pursue aspirations that can only be fulfilled abroad, and some just simply want to start their life anew. Whatever the reason behind your decision, there are quite a few issues you have to take care of. We have compiled a list of tips that will help you make this important step in your life as smoothly as possible. So let’s count down our 5 tips on how to move to another country without hassle.
Research Extensively
Let’s start with the basics. Your choice of country should not be based on you just pointing at a map at random. Do very extensive research on the place that will become your home for quite some time. What is the social and political situation there? How do natives treat people of your country or religion? What state is the health system in?
Get familiar with the culture and customs of the place and its people. Only then can you make a wise decision whether this country suits your needs.

Get Your Papers in Order
So, you have your mind set on moving to this particular county. This means it’s time to get your IDs ready. First of all, make sure to check if your passport needs renewal. Then if it’s fine, apply for a visa, if the country you are moving to requires one. This step might not be as crucial as the first one but still requires attention and delicacy, because if your application is somehow faulty, you might not get the visa. A bad visa photo is one of the most common reasons for rejection.
If you have no desire to stand in a line in a busy photo studio or use uncomfortable photo booths, you can create ID pictures on your own. For that, you’ll need a smart visa photo editor with ID photo templates that can help you get 100% approvable visa or passport pictures for all your family members.
It might also be necessary to apply for electronic proof that you can enter certain countries – for example, if you’re planning to travel to the UK, you’ll need to apply for an ETA, or Electronic Travel Authorization, to do so. To learn more about applying for a UK ETA, go to for further information.
Start Saving Now
Once you move to a different country, chances are you might be quite short on money for some time. That is why it’s better to cut your expenses right now to start saving. You never know what might await you in a foreign land, so every penny might make a lot of difference. So sit down with your partner and decide how you are going to save up money for your big move. There are countless tips and techniques online, so you are sure to find the one that would work for you.

Plan Health Care Ahead
First, get your and your family member’s medical records. Then, make sure to get the necessary immunization (since some countries host dangerous infections that are pretty much endemic). In case you are going away for a limited period of time and plan to go back, ask if your current healthcare provider will cover your expenses abroad. Otherwise, apply for health care from international health insurance companies.
Find School for Your Kids
If you’re planning on moving abroad with your children, make sure to provide them with educational opportunities. Research the school in your area of interest, and try to find international schools that will help your children to assimilate to your new surroundings easily. International schools help kids get acquainted with both the language and the culture of their new home – and getting introduced to the new place by their peers makes immersion seamless.
As you can see, moving to another country takes not only courage and determination but also quite a lot of planning and research. And that is quite understandable – after all, choosing a new home for your family is not an easy task. But nonetheless, if you plan everything right, and get everything in order, a move to another country might be a very rewarding and fun experience.