How to make Christmas Eve just as special as Christmas Day

How to make Christmas Eve just as special as Christmas Day

November 6, 2023

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Christmas day gets a lot of focus, and for good reason. It is the main event. The day you have been building up to. But, it can often feel like a bit of an anti-climax, and it is over before you know it. So it is a good idea to try and make the most of the festive period and Christmas Eve is a day that is often forgotten about. Usually, the day where you prep for the meal on Christmas day or do any last-minute shopping and errands.

However, Christmas Eve is such a lovely time to get excited with the family and you can make it just as special as Christmas day. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can do it. 

Christmas eve boxes 

One of the first things you could consider would be Christmas Eve boxes. This is a lovely way to spend Christmas Eve. You can enjoy making them and then when the day comes opening them up or watching other people open the ones you have prepared. You can buy Christmas Eve boxes these days. But you could also look at creating your own. Get a box or a basket and fill them with goodies. You can choose to wrap them or display them nicely, the choice is yours.

For kids, you could add a Christmas book, pyjamas, a mug, some hot chocolate, and treats. For an adult, you can add loungewear, alcohol, and chocolates. There are so many different ways you can do it, and it can feel like a real treat on Christmas Eve. 

How to make Christmas Eve just as special as Christmas Day

A gift to open at night 

Another thing you could consider is opening a gift up on Christmas Eve or having a specific Christmas Eve gift if you don’t want to spoil the illusion of Father Christmas delivering presents. This could be a lovely way to spend Christmas Eve night. If you have a large family or expect to have guests over that evening, then why not to a secret Santa? You could have a budget for it or even a theme. There are so many fun things you could do and it could become a highlight of the festive period. 

Watching a Christmas film 

There is nothing quite like settling down and watching a Christmas film together and what a night to get into the Christmas spirit. You could have a movie marathon day, where you all get snuggled up and watch films and eat snacks. Or just choose one to watch at night before heading off to bed. 

Tracking Santa online 

If you have younger children, then why not track Santa online? There are many ways that you can follow Santa’s journey and while it is a modern way of doing things, it is still magical as you see him stop off in different countries on his way to you. Kids love it. You could also then leave out the treats for Santa as well as the reindeer food in the garden. 

How to make Christmas Eve just as special as Christmas Day

Have a family meal 

Christmas is all about family, so what better way to commemorate the occasion than a family meal? While many focus on the big day, a nice meal that is a little more informal; on Christmas eve can be a lovely way to spend the day and night. You could even choose to see other people that you may not get to see on Christmas or boxing day. Making it extra special and spreading the festivities and love. 

Invite friends and family over to celebrate 

If Christmas eve is usually a quiet day and night for you then why not try and change things up a little? You could decide to invite some friends and family around. It might be for drinks and snacks, a meal, or a takeaway. Maybe you are considering hosting a party. Christmas eve is often the perfect day to really get into the Christmas spirit. 

Go out for a Christmas walk 

You may want to relax and enjoy a slower pace on Christmas eve before all of the festivities of the big day. So a great way to enjoy the day is to go out for a nice walk. You could stay local or head out somewhere new. A nice walk can be just what you need to get into the right mindset for Christmas day. 

How to make Christmas Eve just as special as Christmas Day

New or old traditions 

Finally, Christmas eve is a lovely time to start new traditions or keep up with other traditions you may have done in the past. You could always see it as an opportunity to do something different than usual, and it could become part and parcel of future festivities. A quick look online or even speaking to people to find out what they do could give you some inspiration. 

Hopefully, this has given you plenty of ideas on how you can make Christmas eve just as special as Christmas day.

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