We don’t need to rattle on about how life has suddenly become much more stressful for most of us; it’s a given that each and every one of us seems to have a hectic schedule that reaps havoc with everything. As a knock-on effect, getting a good night’s sleep has become more important than ever. Some experts have suggested that eight hours should be an absolute minimum every evening, and any less than this and you’ll be posing a serious risk to your health. We’re not going to argue one way or another whether this is correct; but it’s scientifically proven that we do need a decent night’s sleep, regardless of how many hours that might be.
At the same time, there are increasing reports of insomnia and other sleep-related conditions. Again, it all adds up to a significant problem that the country is facing – but one that can at least be aided without necessarily traipsing off for the doctors for complicated medication.
Most sleep problems start, and end, at the window. If excessive light enters your bedroom, it will throw your body’s clock completely out of sync and make sleep all-the-more difficult. It means that you need to stop light whatever way possible and suffice to say, this is where window treatments enter the picture.
Let’s take a look at some of the key tips that you need to take into account if you are looking to put an end to your bedroom blues.
Blackout fabrics are always the top solution
Fortunately, the window treatments industry has acted swiftly over the years to provide a ready-made solution for those problem nights. While the term “blackout blinds” might not exactly sound glamorous, it’s worth taking a look at exactly what this means.
Contrary to popular belief, blackout blinds aren’t a solid, black color that adds absolutely no character to a room. Instead, they are a special type of fabric that prevents any light from filtering through. They can be formed of any color (even light ones), or patterns, meaning that the design of your room needn’t be hindered in the slightest.
This is by far and away the easiest way to block light and ultimately, aid your sleeping pattern.
Failing that, consider curtains
While blackout blinds are pretty commonplace these days, there might be the odd occasion where some designs are not available in such a fabric.
It’s here where you need to get a little more creative, and perhaps consider curtains. These can be used alone, as we all know, or combined with blinds for another stunning effect. Again, you will need to look towards a material that blocks out the light, but nowadays this is quite easy to source.
Always consider the fitting
Even if you do get your hands on a blackout fabric, don’t immediately assume that you’ll block out every inch of light.
There are two ways to install blinds; exact fitting and recess fitting. The latter involves the blinds sitting within the window – meaning that small amounts of light will escape through the edges. If you consider exact fitting meanwhile, this problem is eradicated. This type of fitting involves the blind covering the whole window opening, as it is fitted on the wall.
Disclosure: This is a featured post
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