A close up of a book

How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land {Book Review}

February 7, 2015

How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land – Live Show

A couple of years ago we went to see How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land at the Norwich Playhouse. It was the first show that we’d ever taken a then almost two year old Tigger to and I can remember being nervous that he wouldn’t sit still for the show and create a scene. I needed have worried as he loved every minute of it and so did Roo, from seeing the characters on stage to the songs that they sung… truly fabulous.

How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land – Book

Before Christmas I was contacted via Twitter to let me know that there was going be a book version of the How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land story. Excited to be able to relive the story that made Tigger’s first theatre trip a success I was sent a copy of the book.

A screenshot of a computer

Banjoko arrived with a mission in hand,
To find the King of Tinga Tinga Land.
The brave little toucan from South America had flown,
To warn Africa of danger that threatened her home.

Written by Brian Hill and Matthew Howorth

Illustrated by D.W. Murray

Published by Barisons Publishing

ISBN 9781782802648

The story follows Banjoko a toucan from South America who flies to Africa to warn the animals of the danger that is happening in his homelands. Trying to find the king so that he can relay the warning to help save Africa, however there is no king in Tinga Tinga Land.

A close up of a toy

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts

A truly beautiful book full of illustrations that really help to bring the story to life. As I sat with Roo and Tigger to read this for the first time, Roo remembered that we had seen this at the theatre so was keen to have the story refreshed in her mind.

The story lets you join the characters on their journey to save their lands and finding out How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land. A beautiful tale and one that will have children asking you to read again and again.

A bird standing in front of a sunset

Available for just £6.99 exclusively from www.kingoftingatinga.com

Keep your eye you for more stories from Brain Hill and Matthew Howorth as they follow each character from How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land, and visit www.kingoftingatinga.com for activities, games and apps.

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Disclosure: We received a copy of How Lion Became King of Tinga Tinga Land FOC for the purpose of review.

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