Blogging 101 | How Do I Write a Good SEO Title?

June 16, 2020

SEO is a vital component of rising up as a blogger. One mission of bloggers everywhere is to rank high with search engines. SEO is one of the best ways to start showing up in search engine results. If you’re struggling with writing a good SEO title, then I have some tips to share that will make the process easier.

Chose Your Focus Keywords

Before you begin writing a good SEO title you’ll need to know what keywords you’re going to aim for rank with this blog post. Utilise the keyword within your blog post title so that the search engines can easily determine how to index your blog post. It’s a great idea to use your keyword within the title and first paragraph of your blog post for maximum ranking.

Focus on Length of Title

The length of your title plays a key role in how a search engine will index your blog post. This is why it’s important to focus on the first 50-60 words of your blog post title and blog post to ensure it’s heavily focused on the keyword(s) you want to be indexed under. When writing titles you may want to avoid using caps as often as possible, as capital letters take up more space than lower case letters as it pertains to SEO.

A person designing an SEO print sitting at a table

Use Unique Titles

You might think of “clickbait” when I tell you to use unique titles, but clickbait only applies to the unique title says one thing but your blog post is about something completely different. Be certain to stand out from the crowd for your chosen keywords. This might mean you use a thesaurus to look for good adjectives or verbs to help enable the end-user to click on your SEO title over someone else.

Don’t Overdo It

When it comes to including your keyword in your SEO title as well as for opting for a unique blog post title, remember to not overdo it. Google will see your blog post as spammy if it’s inundated with keywords. This means you’ll rank lower and perhaps have your blog listed as spam. Be creative without overdoing it when it comes to writing a good SEO title.

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As you can see writing a good SEO title for your next blog post doesn’t have to be complicated. With these easy to follow tips, you’ll soon find that you rank higher in search engine results. Being able to have your blog posts show up more frequently in search results will allow you to make more money as you start to climb the blogging ladder to success.

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