Roo and Tigger

How did you announce your #GEORGEous bump?

June 9, 2016

Finding out that you are pregnant is a magical and exciting time, especially if it is something that you have bee longing for. Many people like to wait to tell their family and friends until they have had their 12-week scan to make sure that all is well just in case they, unfortunately, suffer a miscarriage.

Announcing your pregnancy can be done is so many ways, as a sign of the time, many of us opt to share the news via social media. In a recent survey commissioned by George at Asda, more than half of those asked preferred to announce their first pregnancy in person, while a third of 25-34-year-olds decided that social media was the perfect way to share the big news.

Roo and Tigger

When we fell pregnant with Roo we weren’t going to tell anyone until after we’d had our first scan, however, with family visiting from Spain and discussions about when we were all going to go over and visit we decided to share the news there and then with a simple ‘we were going to come over and visit in September but I’m pregnant so not sure whether I’ll be able to fly‘. It wasn’t the most amazing way to share the news but it was lovely to be able to do it in person rather than via email or text.

With Tigger and Piglet, we opted to tell out close family and friends in person before sharing our first scans on Facebook with the caption ‘Baby Anguish V.2 (V.3) due later this year‘. Social media has a way of contacting those that you might not speak to each week or text very often but you still want them to know that you are having a baby, after all, most of us want to shout it from the rooftops that you are pregnant, it’s such an exciting time.

How did you announce your #GEORGEous bump?


Disclosure: This post is in collaboration with George,
but who doesn’t love a pregnancy announcement?

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