A cup of coffee on a table, with Roo and Tigger

How best to care for a sore throat

December 5, 2017

With the seasons changing and the weather starting to look decidedly cold, it is that time of year when most of us will be coming down with an ailment or two. All of us are different and ailments will affect us in different ways. Sore throats are my downfall, despite eventually having my tonsils taken out at eighteen after years of throat infections. Being a busy mum of three I need to be able to soothe my sore throat to ensure that I am able to carry on family life. Jakemans is my saving grace and always helps soothe my throat – whether I’m at home or on the move.

Jakemans Marvellous Menthol Alliance

Jakemans menthol confectionery has been part of our family ‘take care of yourself’ routine for as long as I can remember. Whenever I mention to my mum that I have a sore throat she thrust a packet of Jakemans my way – I’m sure she has a lifetime supply of them hidden in a Mary Poppins style cupboard as there is always a bag on hand ready for that first sign of a sore throat. Although she prefers the Throat & Chest variety, whereas I am more a Cherry fan.

A stack of flyers on a table

The longstanding firm favourite, Jakemans bagged sweets have been a popular choice since 1907 and available in seven flavours:

  • Throat & Chest
  • Honey & Lemon
  • Cherry
  • Peppermint
  • Menthol & Eucalyptus
  • Blackcurrant
  • Blueberry

Whilst the Jakemans bags are perfect for having on the side at home, so you can grab one as required. It is when I’m out and about that I’m grateful for the Jakemans sweet stick packs (available in Throat & Chest and Honey & Lemon). These are ideal for having in my handbag or the changing bag so I am able to soothe my sore throat en route.

How best to care for a sore throat

A cup of coffee on a table, with Roo and Tigger

A sore throat can strike at any time, aside from keeping Jakemans marvellous menthol confectionery on hand, Marvin a leading pharmacist and Jakemans expert shares expert advice on how best to care for a sore throat when you’re feeling hoarse:

Cut Conversation

Resting your voice and keeping conversation to a minimum will help to aid your recovery from a sore throat. Swap up a straining conversation for text, email or note communication. Likewise, sleep is essential for the recovery process. Getting a good night’s sleep helps the body’s immune system fight off viruses and bacteria that can be causing a sore throat.

Suck To Soothe

Sucking on menthol cough confectionery, such as Jakemans, can help soothe discomfort caused by a sore throat. Each Jakemans sweet is bursting with menthol – an ingredient that releases natural vapours to also help keep airways clear.

Say Hello to H2O

Staying hydrated is vital to avoiding sore throats. When we’re dehydrated, the body can’t produce enough saliva and mucus to keep the throat naturally lubricated. This will make the swelling and inflammation of a sore throat worse. Water is ideal or warm herbal teas are also super soothing.

Avoid Alcohol

Before you turn to a tipple, think again as alcohol can do more harm than good when suffering with a sore throat. The old wives’ tale that alcohol ‘disinfects’ the throat is, unfortunately, a myth. In fact, drinking alcohol is much more likely to irritate than soothe a sore throat.

How to steer clear of a sore throat

A piece of luggage sitting on top of a table

Breathe Easy

Breathing through the nose, rather than the mouth, is a wonderful way to filter the air we breathe of bacteria and other harmful irritants before they enter the body. The nose is a miraculous filter lined with tiny hairs called ‘cilia’, which help to filter, humidify and warm or cool the air we breathe, therefore protecting our bodies against particles of foreign matters.

Swallow It

Swallowing regularly helps to cleanse the throat. Saliva keeps our mouths healthy and prevents infections by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. The natural saliva our bodies produce helps to rinse the throat of any unwanted bacteria that could contribute to a sore throat.

Shower Power

The humid environment of a steamy bathroom when relaxing in a hot bath or shower can help prevent the lining of the throat from becoming too dry and irritated – a common cause of a sore throat.

Brush It Off

If you’re plagued with a sore throat that seems to come back time and time again, buy a new toothbrush. Bacteria collects on the bristles, and if you injure your gums as you brush, they can enter your system and re-infect you.

How do you deal with a sore throat?

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