AD | Gifted
Did you know over 75% of people haven’t had their feet measured in the last years?! Our feet can change as we get older so it’s important to regularly get them measured.
As a parent, I’m very conscious about getting my children’s feet measured. Ensuring that their shoes fit and are suitable for their foot type. I have to hold my hands up and confess that I don’t necessarily follow the same advice for myself. I’ve been known to purchase shoes because they are mu ‘size’ when in reality they are too tight or even too small. Needless to say, they don’t get worn and are a waste of money.
There is another reason why I son’t follow my own advice when it comes to getting my feet measured – I’m embarrassed. Think about the last time you walked into an adult shoe shop – did you see anyone getting their feet measured? Possibly not, and I don’t want to be the person who has to ask.
A visit to Hotter Shoes, however, is different from your average shoe shop. A warm, welcoming family feel to their stores puts me at ease as soon as I enter. With each of their assistants experts at measuring your feet. Now they have an additional way to help ensure my feet are measured correctly and which style works best.

Hotter Footprint™
Hotter Footprint™ is a scanner which uses innovative digital technology to create a 3D image of your feet. Determining the size, fit and arch type with pinpoint accuracy – and it only takes a few seconds.
Alongside pinpoint accuracy you are also able to select different styles of shoes and boots. With the Hotter Footprint™ advising which size may suit your feet best based on your measurements.

Rutland GTX boots
With woodland walks, days out and National Trust plans I was looking for some new walking boots. The Rutland GTX boots caught my eye online and were even more beautiful in-store. Stepping onto the Hotter Footprint™ machine, you add a couple of details and before your know it the 3D image of your feet appear on the screen – it’s fascinating (they email it to you too so you can play around with it at home!).
The Hotter Footprint™ had suggested that a size 5.5 would be a good fit, however, it also mentioned that I should try on the size 6 to ensure I was getting my Hotter fit. After trying one of each on different feet I opted to go for the size 6 as I tend to wear thicker socks with walking boots and felt this size gave me a more comfortable, supportive fit.

Make sure you have had your feet measured correctly and regularly!
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