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COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. With the safety risks that exist that did not exist before; it may be tempting to do electrical work on your own. Besides the increased safety, there are many other benefits to doing your own. Doing your electrical work can save you money. You can also work on your time instead of someone else’s. When you do the work on your own, you decide how things are done and whether they are done correctly.
Hiring a professional electrician can be intimidating and seem like you are spending money on a task that you can easily complete yourself. However, there are many reasons to hire a professional to do your electrical work, even in the middle of a pandemic. Moreover, there is a way to ensure that everyone in your home is safe.
Do You Need an Electrician?
The first thing you want to do before you hire a professional electrician is to decide if you need one. There are times where you do not need the services of a professional. You can flip a breaker on your own or change a lightbulb. However, there are many reasons that you should call a professional; even when there is a global pandemic. The risk of not calling one can be greater than allowing them in your home.

One reason that you may need a professional is when you are having electrical work done in your home. Any type of electrical work that is completed must be inspected for safety. Smaller jobs do not require an inspection. For example, you will not need a permit if you decide to change the ceiling fan in your living room. You will need one if you are moving your kitchen to the other side of the home. Not calling a professional can mean that there are risks to the safety of you and your family. It is better to be safe than pay for it later.
Another reason to call an electrician is if you are having problems with your breaker. When circuits overload it can cause them to overload. This can lead to housefires. The older the breaker the higher the risk that they will not work correctly. If you are having problems with the breaker regularly, you should call a professional. You should never try to repair the breaker on your own. This could result in electrocution or severe damage to your electrical panel. Having outlets that are overloaded is another reason to call a professional. They can easily add more outlets, so you have enough plugs for all your electrical needs.
Electrical shocks and flickering lights are also reasons to contact professional services. If you notice heat that is not normal or feels mild shocks when you flip your light switch, you can check the switch. Appliances are another cause of mild shocks. If you are unsure what is causing the problem, contact a professional to look and repair it. You do not want to attempt this on your own.
If the lights are flickering when you are using multiple devices at one time, this can mean that there is something severely wrong with the electrical unit in your home. Some lamps tend to flicker when they are plugged in for the first time. A professional can come in and assess the situation to determine if there is a problem.
There are many reasons you may need the services of a professional electrician. Other reasons include but are not limited to work being completed outside. If you decide that you want to add fixtures near the pool, you should always consult a professional because of the dangers associated with water and electricity. If you have an older electrical system, it may need to be inspected before a house fire occurs.
If the wiring in your home is wet, you do not want to fix this yourself because of the risk of electrocution; instead, you should call a professional. Buzzing sounds or outlets/light switches that are not working correctly should also be handled by a professional.

The Advantages of Hiring a Professional
There are also many advantages to hiring a professional to fix your electricity. When you hire a licensed professional you are hiring someone that not only has knowledge in their field but has proof of this knowledge. They are more likely to do quality work, and you and your family are safer when they do the job. Here are the benefits of allowing a professional to meet your electrical needs.
First, there is the concept of liability. If you are doing the work yourself or using an untrustworthy professional; who is responsible if something does not go according to plan? What if someone gets hurt? Who is responsible for the medical bills and covering the cost of the property? If you do the work yourself, this responsibility falls on you.
Professional electricians are also up to date on the technology being used and codes in place. They must take classes regularly so that they stay informed on current practices and are following current safety regulations in their field. This ensures you know that everyone in your home is safe when you hire a professional because you know the current codes and best practices are being followed.
You also get a certain guarantee when you hire a professional. They know and are typically going to do the job correctly. If they do not, they are liable for this. You will not have to guess whether your home is safe.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional
Hiring anyone to come into your home during this time can be intimidating. No one wants COVID. Everyone is taking precautions to keep them and their loved ones safe. You also want to make sure that the professional you hire is qualified for the job. Here are some questions that you should ask them.
Begin with asking them about the precautions they are taking to guard their clients against the virus. Ask if any of their workers have had the virus and what steps are being completed to monitor employee health. Ask if anyone who will be coming to your home has been exposed to the virus or if they have had symptoms. Ask if they are wearing masks and what they are asking their clients to do before they enter the home.
For example, do you need to wear a mask while the technician is at your home? Do you need to sanitize before they come over? Finally, ask if there is a way for you to pay them electronically so that you do not have to have physical contact with the staff.
Next, find out what qualifications they have and what guarantees they offer. A license shows that they know what they are doing. It shows that they have had the training required to do this kind of work. Hiring a licensed professional from the beginning can save you money fixing mistakes later, ensure all safety requirements are being followed, and save you money overall.
Finally, look at their reviews. Ask you, friends, and family, if they have heard anything about them. Ask them for references. Find out what their reputation is before you hire them. If you need a professional during the pandemic; you want to ensure to have as minimal contact as possible. This is done by hiring the right professional at the start.
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