Many people plan their gardens by the way it will look during the warmer months. Just because the weather turns cold, doesn’t mean the garden has to look dark and dreary. There are many plants that you can add to your garden that you can add to your garden that flowers over winter.
Winter Gardens
It doesn’t matter if you have a large garden or a small deck that only allows potted plants, there are lots of plants that will do well in the garden over the wintering months. These plants will bring a bit of life to an otherwise bland looking landscape.

Think Colour
Choose plants that flower over winter.
Heather – Heather is a plant that flowers over winter with beautiful bright flowers in pink, white and purple. It looks great when planted in pots and is known for having a low-growing texture.
Helleborus – are often referred to as a Christmas rose because it flowers midway through winter. There are several varieties but the H. Orientalis do best. The flowers of this variety come in green, white and a dark red.
Snowdrops – Snowdrops will begin their first flowers around the start of the new year and will grow lovely in shaded areas like under trees and bushes.
Sarcococca – This plant is also called Sweet Box for good reasons. It has a strong scent that can be smelled across the garden. The sweet smelling flowers are a cream colour and are followed by black shiny berries.
Think Wildlife
Another way to bring your garden to life over the winter is to bring wildlife to it. Even against a winter scene, a brilliant bird can make the garden seem more alive. To bring wildlife to your garden it is important to have what the birds will need. Things like birdseed or bird feeders are a must. It is important to buy good quality supplies, like from Trago, to attract the birds.
Wintering Birds
Some birds migrate for the winter, while others stay in the area. The birds that stay in the area need to have certain food and certain ways to get to the food in order to have what they want and draw them to your garden.
Blue Tit – The blue tit will be lovely to look at from the window or the chair on your patio. It needs a husk free bird seed, peanuts or suet block or ball in a hanging feeder.
Sparrow– The sparrow isn’t a fussy bird. It prefers seed mixes that are either on the ground, a bird feeding table or in a hanging feeder.
Robin – Robins have a variety of foods that will attract them. It loves seed mixes, live mealworms, or a suet black or ball. Robins prefer to have their food either on a bird table or directly from the ground.
Black Bird – Blackbirds will have a beautiful contrast against any greenery that is in your garden. These birds prefer to eat from a bid table or from the ground. The preferred food for a blackbird are sunflower hearts, rolled oats and sultanas.
Keep in mind that the garden has different feeding watering and weeding needs than it does in the warmer months. Be sure to know what that is so you can have a beautiful garden all winter long.
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