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Hair care tips after pregnancy

October 5, 2016

Throughout each of my pregnancies, I have been blessed with fuller, silkier hair. It’s one of those pregnancy perks that I really quite liked. My hair never looked in better condition and was easy to manage and look after too (my body must have realised how difficult it can be to wash your hair when you’re pregnant).

Once my little bundle of joys had arrived, however, my hair had seen better days. It had become dry, brittle and the slight hair loss you read about in the baby books was grossly underestimated. Wherever you looked there were strands of my hair. It seems that I’m not alone in suffering from hair problems after pregnancy. Most women will suffer from some hair loss although for some it is much more than just losing a few strands here and there. It can be a major problem, with clumps of hair coming out during brushing and bald patches appearing. For some, it will grow back in time once hormone levels have returned to normal. For others, they have looked into FUE hair transplant cost as they are unhappy with how their hair now looks.

Hair care tips after pregnancy

A person holding a sign

Use a wide tooth comb

Switching to a wide tooth comb to brush your hair with causes less stress on the hair strands compared to a standard brush.

Try a new hairstyle

Trying a shorter hairstyle will help make your hair look fuller as well as giving you an added boost in how you look.

Avoid hair colourants and heat styling

The use of colourants and heat treatments can lead to dry and brittle hair. Allowing your hair to dry naturally and avoiding hair colourants will allow your hair to breathe and repair itself.

Change your shampoo

You might have always used the same shampoo for years but it’s time to give your hair a little extra treatment. Try a shampoo with Biotin, which is known to be good for hair growth.

Avoid Stress

Easier said than done, but stress can lead to additional hair loss. Try to breathe away the stresses of the day instead of letting them get on top of you.

Did you suffer from hair loss after pregnancy?

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