A close up of a child wearing glasses, with Tigger and Roo

Guardians of the Galaxy, Dragon Puppets, and A Lost Tooth #LittleLoves

September 22, 2017

Friday once again and I have no idea where this week has gone. With a weekend full of trips into the city for a dragon puppet workshop with Norwich Puppet Theatre. They were awarded almost £5,000 from the Aviva Community Fund for their Voice of a Child work. The children had a fantastic time and we just about managed to dodge the rain showers. Followed by a family get together on Sunday to celebrate Mr. Boo’s birthday. Everything after that is a blur of school runs, food shopping, and cleaning.

A group of people standing in front of a statue

Time to share this week’s #LittleLoves…


Tigger’s school reading book this week is all about Great Explorers – I’ve been enjoying listening to him find out all about Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. It makes such a change from listening to the quirky storylines that he usually has in his reading books.

I’ve been attempting to read more blogs again. I seem to go through phases of reading them, which I’m in the midst of again, however, I do enjoy reading them. Plus it allows me to show some community spirit to my fellow bloggers.


I know I mentioned Doctor Foster last but OMG did you see this week’s episode? Just a little bit raunchy!

After the hustle and bustle of the summer finally over, Mr. Boo and I managed to sit down and enjoy a movie date night at the weekend. Finally getting a chance to watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 – whilst we didn’t manage to see it at the cinema it was worth the wait.


Not really sure what to include here for this week. I can’t recall anything of any note from my Spotify playlists. Although I have been creating a Christmas songs playlist for my journey over to Manchester this weekend.


I’m attending the #BlogOnXmas conference in Manchester this weekend. I’ve been preparing my trusty blue plastic wallet with details of my ticket, hotel, and travel arrangements. As well as sorting out a suitcase and a Christmas jumper to wear for the occasion.


With autumn knocking at the door I have sadly popped my trusty Birkenstock sandals to one side in favour of any pair of ankle boots. The Basky boots have a chunky tread which will serve me well in the coming months.


Tigger finally lost his first tooth. It had been wobbly for about a week or so, however, whilst eating dinner the other night it came out. Unnoticed… and swallowed it! 

A close up of a child wearing glasses, with Tigger and Roo

A close up of a logo

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