Fun Benefits Of Blogging You Never Thought Possible

Blogging 101 | Fun Benefits Of Blogging You Never Thought Possible

June 27, 2023

Blogging is something I love to do, and it’s an honour to share with you my ramblings of parenthood and to showcase so many wonderful bloggers doing the same thing that I do. Blogging has fast become a hobby that so many people enjoy doing, sharing their passions and experiences in so many different niches and genres.

While so many people are starting one up, there are still loads of people you can come across every day that hasn’t the faintest idea of what a blog is, or even why to start one. So I thought it would be nice to share with you some of the fun benefits of starting a blog. By no means are these specific reasons to give it a go, but if you find yourself unsure about taking that leap of faith then maybe this will inspire you to start a blog yourself. 

Making friends

When you start a blog, I’m sure the last thing you thought you would do is make lifelong friends, but blogging can simply do that for you. Once you start interacting with your readers and other bloggers, you begin to chat online and support one another. It might be sharing their latest post, or liking and commenting on an Instagram post. But over time, that becomes more and can even become a friendship. Then you have blogging conferences you can attend where you can network, meet and share with bloggers. People do what you do, and share your passion and enthusiasm for it. 

Fun Benefits Of Blogging You Never Thought Possible

Trying out new products and services

While you are by no means getting something for free when you review a product or service, given the level of time and effort that goes into writing a credible review, it is a huge benefit to try out some amazing items over the course of your blogging journey. You may find it a little concerning to give your address out to people you don’t know, which is why more people consider a different address to receive their deliveries, such as setting up a P.O. Box.

Helping others

There are times in our lives when we go through things we never thought we would. Grieving loss, dealing with health issues, or even emotional battles we never thought we would have to face. Blogging can be seen as a form of therapy to some, but what you actually may end up doing is helping someone out in their time of need.

There are many subjects that are often not talked about enough, and blogging could help reduce the stigma surrounding those subjects. Besides, even if you help just one person with your thoughts, it’s surely worthwhile to continue writing about your experiences. It may not sound like a benefit through definition, but it can certainly make you feel like you are doing some good in the world. Websites online have a lot of advice on how best to approach the subject.

It could turn into a career

Fun Benefits Of Blogging You Never Thought Possible

While it may seem like a bit of a pipe dream to some, many bloggers, who started out blogging as a hobby have turned their passion into a career. They may have even published books because of their blog, created products, or even just use their blog to reach out to people.

Not all of us have a job that we love, and quite often some employments can have a detrimental effect on family life. This is why a blog could be a huge opportunity to earn an income that works around your family. While it may not be everyone’s dream, it certainly is a huge benefit. The opportunities in the blogosphere are only getting more lucrative, and it’s an exciting industry to be a part of. 

It could help you build a support network

If you blog about something specific or have shared your experience on something that may not be publicly discussed enough, you may find that a huge benefit to sharing your experiences through your blog is building a support network. This might be a Facebook you create specifically to offer support. It might be working with charities to help the campaign or get the message more in the public eye.

You could build up a network of commenters where people interact with one another or find each other on various social media platforms. It may not seem an obvious benefit, but this could help you personally, or someone else. 

So there you have it, some fun benefits to blogging that you never thought possible. I hope this may have inspired you to perhaps give blogging a go yourself.

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