What do you imagine when you think of an older person, particularly an older man? In a lot of cases, you’ll probably think of that person as having little to no hair. Even though hair loss is not something that everyone goes through as they get older, it’s certainly something that becomes more likely. You’ll often find that older people do have at least some hair loss.
Yet the truth is that younger people can also have hair loss. This might be because of an illness, because of the side effects of medication, or it could be hereditary. However, the point is that hair loss is not the preserve of the elderly, and yet many people feel that fuller hair gives a much more youthful appearance. Why is this? Read on to find out more.
Why Do We Consider Fuller Hair to Be Only For The Young?

You Act Older With Less Hair
One reason fuller hair is considered more youthful is that people with hair loss might inadvertently act older than they are. They will subconsciously view themselves as older and start to act that way. They might walk more slowly, they might stay indoors more (this could be due to confidence levels being lower as well), or they might start to think about their own mortality more, and this could affect how they act.
The strange thing about the human mind is that what you think can easily be reflected in the way you look and act, so even if you’re not old if losing your hair makes you think you are – perhaps because it reminds you of the same thing happening to an older relative – that’s how you’ll act, and that’s how people will perceive you.
It’s A Stereotype
As mentioned above, hair loss is often associated with old age, which means that a fuller head of hair will be associated with being more youthful. You’ve probably been surprised yourself to see an older person with lots of thick hair, just as you would be surprised to see a young person with very little hair. It’s just not what we imagine, and therefore it is something that can be seen as ‘strange’ or unnatural (even though it is, of course, natural in most cases).
Speaking of natural, if your hair loss is making you look older than you are and you don’t like it, you can do something about it. One of the best options is to visit hshairclinic.co.uk to speak to the experts about the outcome of a hair transplant and whether it would work for you.

You Notice Hair First
If you see someone from a distance or you’re meeting them for the first time – or perhaps in general – you’ll look at their hair first. This is the part of them you’ll notice before anything else, and it will give you an impression of who they are and what they are like.
For example, someone with messy hair will make you think they are untidy and disorganized, even if they are not. Someone with brightly colored hair will make you think they are edgy. A person with thinning hair will make you think they are older than they are, and someone with fuller hair will appear younger. Even when these ideas are somewhat dispelled as you get to know the person (or literally get closer to them), these first impressions will still carry some weight when you are forming an opinion.
Another reason why fuller hair is considered more youthful is that it tends to be linked to hormones. We know that younger men have more testosterone than older ones, which is linked to thicker, fuller, healthier hair.
As someone ages, they’ll lose that testosterone, which can also be a reason why they will lose their hair.