A sign sitting on the grass

Four benefits of synthetic lawns

October 28, 2015

It’s easy to write synthetic lawns off as unsightly, uncomfortable and potentially even dangerous. After all, early versions of artificial grass were far from ideal and they left a lasting impression in many people’s minds. However, things have moved on. Advances in design, engineering and technology mean that the synthetic lawns of today can be a safe, attractive and practical alternative to natural grass.

If you’re keen to create the best possible lawn, whether, for a sports facility or your own garden, it’s worth bearing in mind the following four benefits of synthetic lawns.

What are the benefits of synthetic lawns?

Four benefits of synthetic lawns

1)  Minimal maintenance

If you love revving up your lawnmower and you relish the opportunity to weed, then artificial grass in Perris, CA, may not be the best option for you. However, synthetic turf could be ideal if you’d prefer a lawn that almost looks after itself. You won’t have to mow, weed, water, reseed or fertilise the grass, saving you effort and expense and giving you more time to simply enjoy the surface. Once you’ve laid this turf, you’ll get away with minimal upkeep.

2) Practical and safe to play on

As long as you get your artificial grass from a trusted provider, you can also rest assured that it will be practical and safe to play on. It’s now possible to get turf that contains no harmful materials and that has a soft, natural feel, making it perfect for a range of sports and activities. For example, synthetic grass manufactured by Tiger Turf is made using non-abrasive fibres and it comes with a layer of rubber near the base that acts as an effective shock absorber.

3) Look good year-round

Another advantage associated with these lawns is the fact that they look good year round. Unlike natural grass, they are not at risk of becoming threadbare or turning yellow during the scorching summer months. Also, they won’t get torn up and turned into mud baths when used for sports in wet weather. In fact, many of these surfaces feature built-in drainage systems, helping to keep them free from surface water during even the heaviest of downpours.

4) Kinder on hay fever sufferers

A less obvious benefit of synthetic turf is the fact that it’s much kinder on hay fever sufferers. It contains no allergy-causing grass pollen, which can be a welcome relief to anyone with allergies. This is especially important in summer when pollen levels are at their highest.

Given the range of benefits associated with artificial turf, it’s well worth considering this alternative to natural grass when you’re planning your lawn.

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