Join Thomas & Friends as they embark on a legendary movie adventure! The steam team’s quest begins when a special guest arrives on Sodor with a big surprise and important jobs for Thomas, Percy and James. The engines meet new friends and discover suits of armour, coats of arms and legends of long-ago heroes. Then their bravery is put to the test when their new friend Stephen goes missing. Will Thomas find him in time? Will the engines discover the truth about the island of Sodor’s big mystery? It’s a crusade of knightly proportions for Thomas & Friends in this epic movie!
King of the Railway – the movie
Long, long ago before there were railways and trains on the island of Sodor, the island was ruled by kings. During the reign of King Godrigg his golden crown was taken by thieves and never returned. The ruins of his great castle can still be found on the island on the Earl of Sodor’s great estate.
With a flurry of activity and all engines being sent to the wash down they are left wondering what is happening. Back at Tidmouth the Fat Controller explains that he friend Sir Robert, the Earl of Sodor is returning to the island after many years away.
There is a hive of activity going on up at the Earl’s estate and the engines are all curious to find out what is happening. Thomas, Percy and James are asked to go up to the Earl’s estate by the Fat Controller to help the Earl. All three engines are excited to be visiting the great estate and to be really useful engines for the Earl.
Whilst helping the Earl of Sodor the three friends are introduced to some new friends. Millie, the narrowgate steam engine who lives and works on the Earl’s estate. Stephen, a very old steam engine that the Earl of Sodor has rescued and helps to bring back to life. Finally Connor and Caitlin, two high speed trains from the mainland bring visitors to the Earl’s great estate.
After being fixed and painted at the Steamworks, Stephen is feeling a little left out however after Thomas explains that the Earl has a new job for him he goes off in search of what that could be. After trying the Brendan Docks and the Blue Mountain Quarry he is no closer to finding his new job. Whilst chuffing around the island he hears some runaway trucks and has to crash into a tunnel where is is trapped.
The Earl of Sodor comes looking for Stephen at the Steamworks to tell him all about his new job, however Stephen is no where to be found. A search party is soon put together to help find Stephen, but will they be able to find him?
Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…
Tigger is a huge Thomas & Friends fan, from Misty Island Rescue to Blue Mountain Mystery he has watched them all over and over again, so when we were invited to a special screening of King of the Railway I wondered whether he would be adding another Thomas & Friends DVD to his favourite movie collection.
Not only did Tigger enjoy the screening but he managed to watch it three times in the car journey home! What I love about Tigger and his love of all things Thomas the tank is that he is transported to the island of Sodor. he believes what is happening on screen is real life, he shares the emotions with the engines from laughter to tears whenever one of them is in danger.
Having watched previous Thomas & Friends films (once or twice) it was lovely to see more of the other steam engines personalities being shown in the movie. Gordon for example is well known for being grumpy and fans of the TV series will have seen a little bit of his competitiveness but this really comes out in the movie. His need to beat Spencer in a race is entertaining and even more funny when he along with Spencer are introduced to Connor and Caitlin for the first time.
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